Chapter 25

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Daenerys's point of view:

I could not believe that Sansa had dared to say such horrible things about Rhaego, he was just a child. Nothing would have pleased me more than giving her to Drogon so that she finally understood what it was to provoke me all day long, but Jon had asked me not to do it, so I wouldn't. I went to the room where Rhaego had heard Sansa and Tyrion speak and I entered without knocking. They turned around surprised to see me arrive without warning.

"Have you ever been told that it is very impolite to enter a room without announcing yourself, your majesty?" She said disdainfully.

"And you have never been told not to speak badly of others in their backs especially when they are children." I replied with anger in my voice.

I saw Tyrion stand between me and Sansa looking very worried.

"My queen, I don't know what you were told but you know that people tend to distort the stories to make them interesting." He said calmly but not at all reassured.

"Stop trying to cover her, Rhaego heard you talking about him as he passed the door. He came back to me crying and begging me not to send him away from us that he had no care for the throne. And since it sounds like a very important matter to you Lady Sansa, Rhaego is my heir and nothing will change that not even the birth of the twins. Jon knows that and he agrees to it because he considers Rhaego as his son. "

Jon entered the room with a worried look that he paused directly on his sister. Earlier I left our room without a word, Jon had stayed in the room probably to finish calming down Rhaego then he had followed me surely worried that I was going to hurt Sansa despite the fact that I had accepted to not do it.

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything to her." I say to Jon, slightly pissed off that he doesn't trust me.

He didn't answer my remark, but he placed a hand around my hips and glanced at Sansa.

"Sansa, you have to stop talking badly about Deanerys or Rhaego or even Daenerys armies. I asked Daenerys not to kill you because you are my sister." He hesitated after calling her his sister and then resumed. "Well that's what I believed since I was born at least and you're still a member of my family. But if you repeat bad things about them again, I'll kill you myself. "

I thought he wasn't serious but I look in his eyes and I read only anger and that's when I realised he was very serious. Sansa let out a gasped of surprise.

"Jon ..." she started but Jon interrupted her.

"There is no arguing, another negative comment about any member of MY family and I will kill you, understood? "

Sansa nodded, probably too surprised to say a word. Jon pulled me closer to him thanks to his arm around my waist and pulled me to the exit.

Tyrion's point of view:

After Daenerys and Jon left the room I turned to Sansa who still had not moved an inch probably too shocked to react.

"I told you Sansa, you must stop picking on Rhaego and Daenerys. Jon and Daenerys are madly in love with each other. You can't do anything against that anymore. And anyway they are married. And about Rhaego, he is a little angel. You should spend some time with him, you'll quickly realize it. Even Arya had fall in love with Rhaego, he is just too kind and too cute." I said, laughing softly and serving myself a new glass of wine.

Arya entered the room without warning like Daenerys had done it a few minutes ago. She looked angry.

"What did you do Sansa ?? "

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