Chapter 46

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Daenerys' point of view:

It only took a few minutes for the small group of immaculate people who had come to Meeren with us to block all the exits from the pyramid. According to the second son who were in charge of the doors of the pyramid a few minutes earlier, Daario had not left it. The problem is that I had no idea if I could trust them, after all Daario was their boss but I was the one who paid them, so I hoped they were more loyal to me than they were to him.

Despite the uncertainty that Daario was still in the pyramid, Jon and I decided to excavate the entire pyramid even if it was going to take time. Endowing more than I was not sure I could trust the second son that helped us search. We began by gathering all the people who were in the pyramid in the throne room. Then we began to search the pyramid room by room. Arya was in our room with Rhaego and Maya, responsible of protecting them. I had suggested to Jon that we separate to save time in our research but Jon refused. He didn't think I was safe alone with the second son. And unfortunately maybe he was not wrong.

We started from the top of the pyramid and searched each level one after the other. It took us hours to get to the lowest level of the pyramid and we still had found nothing, no trace of the twins or Daario.

We only had 5 rooms left to search when a second son came running after us. Jon immediately stood in front of me in case he had been sent by Daario to harm me but he didn't seem to want to attack us. It took the man a few seconds for him to catch his breath.

"Your majesty, your son is not feeling well. He lost consciousness and the woman who is with him and the little girl sent me to bring you up." He said breathlessly.

I turned to Jon unsure. "Go ahead, I will finish searching the pyramid and I will join you in our room, okay?" Asked Jon.

I nodded and hurried up the stairs to our room. Before I could get to the right floor I saw Nedys' blanket on the floor. I knew it was his because his name was embroidered on it. I picked it up and walked down the hall. I was not stupid, the moment I saw the blanket on the floor, I realized that the second son who had come to get me had lied and that Rhaego had nothing. He had sent me here on purpose, which means that Daario and the twins were effectively still in the pyramid and more precisely in one of the rooms that were on this floor. I also knew that Jon was probably in danger, but I tried to chase that idea in the back of my mind. Jon was a fighter, he was fully capable of defending himself. He knew that we couldn't be sure that we could trust the second son, so he was on his guard and I left him with only four second son. If they attacked him, Jon would kill them easily.

I kept walking down the hall, quickly looking around the different rooms to find Daario and the twins. When there were only two rooms left to look in, I finally found them. Daario was in the middle of the room, Lyella in his arms. He rocked her softly whispering things in her ears that I couldn't hear from my place. He didn't see me enter the room. I quickly looked around the room to find Nedys. He was laying on a bed and he looked fine.

"Release her right now." I said dryly, my eyes filled with hatred.

He turned to me suddenly and gave me a big smile when he saw me.

"Daenerys! Finally you are here. We were waiting for you." He said with a smile and a tone that I didn't like at all.


Jon's point of view:

After Daenerys left, it only took me a few seconds to realize that something was wrong. The second son who had come to inform us of the state of Rhaego, made sure that Daenerys was going to our room before returning to the side of the three second son who were supposed to help us find Daario and strangely he wasn't out of breath anymore. I waited a few moments to see if they were going to attack me but none made any suspicious movements. So I turned my back to them and went towards the rooms that we still had to look in, my hand on the palm of my sword ready to draw it at the slightest suspicious noise, which was really quick to come.

Before I could even reach the door to the next room, I heard the sound of a blade being pulled from its sheath. I waited a moment longer, pretending to have heard nothing. As soon as I heard noises of footsteps close enough to me I drew my sword and turned around at once. The blade of my sword pierced the belly of my attacker deeply and he fell to the ground in a pool of his own blood. There was a moment of silence where nothing happened before the three other men drew their swords from their scabbards or their belts, for the one who had no scabbard, and rushed towards me.

During the short respite I had between the two attacks, I realized that Daenerys had been lured into a trap and that Rhaego had nothing ... Anyway, I was hoping for he had nothing. Daenerys was probably with Daario, I was hoping she could protect the twins and herself from him until I could join them.

When I saw them draw their swords I turn my focus on the present moment again. There were three of them and only one of me. So I decided to take the sword of the man who had attacked me less than a minute earlier, he didn't need it anymore, anyway. I barely had the time to get up again, a sword in each hand before the first of the three men came up to me. He attacked me right away, probably hoping that I wouldn't have time to parry his blow but unfortunately for him I was pretty fast when I wanted. I parry his blow with one sword while I used the other to pierce him. I barely had time to get my sword out of his chest before the other two fell on me too. I use my two swords to counter their blows which launched at the same time. Unfortunately, even if the two swords allowed me to parry each of their blows, they didn't allow me to attack them.

I continued to parry their blows without being able to attack them for several minutes. The younger of the two, whom I suspected to have joined the second son not so long ago, got tired pretty quickly and his strokes became more and more slow and less and less precise. I took the opportunity to dodge one of his shots and attack the other with one sword while I parry his shot with the other. Having lowered myself to dodge the blow of the youngest, I could only attack the other at the level of his legs. I cut his two legs as deep as possible despite the imprecision of my attack. Long claw being a Valerian steel sword, she cut his flesh and part of his bones as if it were butter. The man cried out in pain and fell to the ground. I took advantage of this moment to straighten up and cut the throat of the youngest which wasn't quick enough to parry my blow.

Without wasting any more time I rushed up the stairs to try to reach Denaerys as quickly as possible. I climbed the stairs at full speed to the highest floor of the pyramid, where our room was. I ran across the corridor and opened the door to our room quickly, ready to use the two swords I still had in each of my hands against Daario.

But when I opened the door he was not there ... and neither was Daenerys. Arya watched me with an incredulous look on her face in front of my sword rised to attack. Rhaego and Maya let out a little cry of fright when I entered the room, then they relaxed when they saw that it was only me. Rhaego looked behind me and frowned, probably noticing that his mother was not with me.

"Where is Mom ?" He asked worried and surprised that she was not with me since she was when we had left the room together a few hours earlier.

"I hoped she was here." I say in a low, almost inaudible voice. It was more than obvious that she was with Daario and probably also the twins but where? I saw her take the stairs and go up but we were on the lowest floor. She could have stop on any floor. I had to find her as soon as possible, before Daario could harm her or the twins.

"I have to go get her. Arya stay here with Rhaego and Maya please and above all be careful the second son are with Daario. "

Arya drew needle and looked at me with a determined look on her face and a smirk. "Go get her with peace of mind, big brother, I will take care of those two." She said pointing to Rhaego and Maya.

I turned on my heel and left the room without answering. I had no doubts about Arya's abilities. I knew she would protect Rhaego and Maya with her life. 

I was only able to walk a few feet down the hall before I saw a dozen second son come up from the stairs, swords in hand. Apparently Daenerys was going to have to wait. There were many of them, but I was determined to overcome them. There is no way I would let them reach Rhaego and Maya. In the periphery of my field of vision I saw Arya joining me, needle in position to attack. I raised my two swords and the first man attacked.


Don't worry I will uptate the next chapter soon, I don't want you to wait too long for it. 

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