Chapter 42

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Daenerys' point of view:

The twins were born 3 days earlier. Sam had finally given me the right to leave my room. Jon and I had decided to spend those 3 days between us, the twins, Rhaego, him and me. Sam and Liliana are the only ones we were let in our room so they could verify that the twins and I were fine.

Today we planned to eat in the great hall and present the twins to everyone at the same time. I turned to Jon and saw that he was still asleep. He's so cute when he sleeps. I kissed him gently to not wake him up. Then I got up and went to see how the twins were doing. For now, Jon and I had decided to keep the twins in our room. I leaned over their cribs which were stuck together. They were both so cute and perfect. I saw Nedys wake up slowly.

"Hello Nedys!" I say with a big smile and a low voice to not wake up Jon and Lyella.

He started to fidget and I took him in my arms.

" You hungry ? You are right you need to eat well to grow up and become as strong as your dad." I said, going back to sit in the bed and feed him.

I took the top off my nightgown and breastfed Nedys who began to drink with appetite. Nedys had my hair but his eyes were those of Jon. While Lyella had Jon's hair and my eyes. They were both the perfect blend of the two of us. I continued to breastfeed Nedys, admiring him for several minutes before Lyella started to cry. Before I can get up to get her too, Jon got up and went to get her. By his way of moving and not having said anything to me, I knew he was only half awake. He leaned over the crib and I saw him stiffen at once.

"If you're looking for Nedys, he's right here." I said smiling.

He turned suddenly surprised to hear someone speak. Seeing that Nedys was quietly suckling in my arms, he suddenly relaxed.

"I was afraid, I thought someone had kidnapped him." He says while taking a breath after his fright.

"Yes, I suspected as much. Can you bring me Lyella, please love. She must be hungry too. "

"Off course love." He said with a smile. He took Lyella in his arms and came to sit next to me on the bed.

"I didn't even hear you get up." He said before kissing me.

"Of course you didn't, I tried not to wake you up. You're so cute when you sleep." I said smiling.

Nedys stopped nursing and I handed him to Jon, taking Lyella instead. Jon placed him against his chest and patted his back so he could burp. Meanwhile, I installed Lyella so that she could suckle too. It was then that Rhaego entered our room. He ran to the bed and climbed up, being careful not to touch the twins so as not to harm them.

" Good morning!" He exclaimed enthusiastically. "Is it today that we are going to present the twins to everyone?" 

"Yes, it is today. You're looking forward to it?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

" Yes !!! Everyone must see them, they are too cute. "

Jon and I laughed at his enthusiasm.

"As soon as your mom finishes breastfeeding Lyella, we'll go get ready, okay?" Asked Jon.

Rhaego nodded vigorously.


Barely arriving in the great hall Arya jumped on us.

" Finally ! I thought you would never leave your room ever again. They are even cuter than in my memories." She said, stroking the cheek of Nedys who was in my arms.

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