Chapter 28

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Daenerys's point of view:

Shortly after breakfast I saw Rhaego join his room. He seemed very angry, which rarely happened to him. I decided to join him to find out what was wrong with him.

When I entered his room I saw him wipe away the tears that had flowed down his cheeks. I sat on his bed next to him and took him gently in my arms.

" What's the matter ? Why are you crying ? "

He snorted loudly and hid his face in my shoulder.

"I hate to be the cause or even partly the cause of the destruction of the family ties between Dad, aunt Arya and aunt Sansa. So I went to Sansa to help her reconcile with her brother and sister, but instead of accepting my help, she said bad things about you. "

I looked at him surprised. How could he think that he was even partly responsible for their dispute?

"Rhaego, you're for nothing at all in all of this. Sansa is the only one at fault in this situation. I explained gently.

"But yet she is Dad and aunt Arya's sister and family is important! They can't stop talking for nonsense or small differences of opinion. Besides, I think that aunt Sansa is not that bad. I think that deep down she is kind but she has a lot of trouble to trust." He looked up at me to look in my eyes. "Mom, please, go see her and talk to her nicely. Try to show her who you are, try to make her understand that she is making a mistake in judging you. Make her ask forgiveness to Dad and aunt Arya! "

He looked at me with supplicating eyes, eyes to which I had never been able to say no.

"Okay, I'll go talk to her." I breathed only to please him.

Once he was completely calm, he reminded me that I had told him that I would go talk to Sansa and he begged me to do it now.

... ...................

As I expected Sansa was alone in her room. When I knocked on her door, she came to open me pretty quickly. She was so surprised to see me here, that she just stay there holding the door open for several minutes. Then she ended by making me enter, not without sending me a glare, which strangely seemed a lot less sincere than before. I sat at the table in her room without asking her permission, she owed me at least that. She sat in front of me without a word.

"Let me guess, your son told you that I said something not very nice about you and you came to remind me of the threat of my brother to kill me if I do it ever again, before you go tell him ... Or maybe you already tell him and you came to announce it to me and send it to me in the face before he came to kill me." She tried to say that with a sure voice, but I heard her creak several times.

" Not at all. My son told me that you said not very nice things about me but I didn't tell it to Jon and I don't intend to do it. I came here only because he asked me to come and talk to you and make you reconcile with Jon and Arya... So here I am." 

There was another moment of silence. Sansa seemed to look for what to say without success, so I decided to start.

"I know you have no trust in me and  that if you're mean to me it's only because you want to protect Jon. He is your family and for you,  family is important. Sometimes I really have trouble understanding you because I never knew a family member who tried to protect me ... Well that's not exactly true ... my brother was like that a very, very long time ago. In fact, it's been so long that I hardly remember it. The only loving family I really ever knew is my son Rhaego ... and now Jon of course. " I sighed and put my hands on my swollen belly before continuing. "I really love Jon. He's the best man I've ever met, he's so nice. He accepted my son as his own and he is very likely the best father he could have ever had. Rhaego's real father, my first husband was a brutal man who had principles and a culture that would be described as savage. Despite everything, I loved him with all my heart, not as much as I love Jon obviously but at the time he was everything to me. For a time he was the only family I had, he freed me from my brother and the hold he had on me. I didn't choose to marry him and if I had been given the choice at the time I wouldn't have done so. But now that I know what happened, I have no desire to change anything. Thanks to my marriage with Drogo, I had my son, Rhaego, and it was partly thanks to him that I became who I am today, thanks to him, I stopped being afraided of my brother and I begun to trust myself. What I'm trying to tell you is that I've never known the kind of relationship that binds you to Jon, Arya, and even Bran, but I want you to understand that I'm not a threat for any of you ... No in fact, we don't care that you're suspicious of me, but don't fight with Jon and Arya for that. You just have to be cordial to me when they are there and that's it. As far as Rhaego is concerned, he's really a little angel and he's just a child ... You should give him a chance, you just need to get to know him a little bit. "

I waited a few minutes to see if Sansa was going to say anything, but she didn't do anything about it. She seemed lost in thought. I finally got up to leave the room without a word. Before leaving the room I looked back one last time to see if Sansa had found her voice again but she didn't move from her chair, eyes staring at the table in front of her, lost in thought. I couldn't do anything more than that, it was up to her to take the opportunity and make peace with Jon and Arya before it became too late.

Jon's point of view:

I was on my way to Daenerys and Rhaego when Ser Davos found me.

"Jon! I was looking for you. Jaime Lannister has just arrived and he asks to talk to you and the queen immediately." He said breathless as he had just run.

"Jaime Lannister ?!" I asked him surprised. "What took them so long to get here? They should have been here two months ago!" I exclaimed surprised.

Since then, Daenerys and I had come to the conclusion that Cersei had lied to us and that no reinforcement would join us.

"I have no information. Lannister said nothing more than "I have to talk to the Queen and the King of the North right now, it's very important. He refused to say more until you were both there." Ser Davos informed me.

"In that case let me go get Daenerys and I'll join you in the great hall right after. And make sure Tyrion and Jaime don't stay alone, I learned not to trust Tyrion completely when it comes to his family and especially his brother. They will have plenty of time to talk to each other later. "

Without another word I turned to get Daenerys and settle this case as soon as possible.

I am so sorry, I know I said that I will try to uptated every day but I have so much things to do during the holiday but don't worry I will uptated the next chapter before sunday.

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