Chapter 31: Jessica

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"We just need to give a down payment to the person we're buying it from and then start finding some contractors to start gettin' the building together." Chris said as I laid on his lap

"Okay. What about the things we have to put in there? Like how do you think we should do the offices?" I asked

"I'll let you handle that. It's a lot of websites and stores that sell appliances and furniture in bulk."

"Okay. I'll think on it." I said

"Did I say down payment?" He asked me


"I clearly wasn't thinking, I have the money to pay it off upfront." He said

"Yeah, I do too." I replied


"Yeah, I don't splurge like you think I do. I also have a savings account with hell of money in it." I admitted

"Well we just rich as fuck aren't we?" He chuckled

"If that's what you want to call it."

"Well we both put in 7500 and that'll cover it." He said

"Got it." I said and adjusted myself

"You about to go to sleep?" He asked

"Yeah, I'm tired."

He sighed, "I gotta get used to this." He said

"To what?"

"You sleepin' all the time. Like you just woke up about four hours ago nigga." He said

"I'm sorry." I smiled

"It's aight , I'm about to watch TV for a lil' while then head to the office. I'll only be there for a couple hours though, got a case tomorrow morning." He said

"Oh yeah? Good luck." I replied

"I don't need luck, you know I'm the best." He confidentially said

I playfully rolled my eyes and drifted off literally a few minutes later.

I woke up and Chris was gone. I figured he'd be gone though because I slept sixteen hours. Not literally—but it was long. I also felt him when he kissed my forehead earlier, so sweet.

Chris: thinking of bringing some food home instead of cooking tonight. What do you have a taste for?
9:34 PM

Idk...surprise me.
9:35 PM

Chris: Bet. On my way.
9:37 PM

Time has flew, I had slept the rest of the day away.

I went and took a shower and chilled until he got here.

15 minutes later he was walking in.

"Do you like shrimp?" He asked

"I love it." I replied

"Ever had a popcorn shrimp sandwich?"

"Nope but I'm hungry so I'm willing to try whatever."

He smiled as he passed me the bag, "You can go ahead and eat, I'm about to shower." He said

I grabbed the bag and went upstairs to his bed. I'm cold and wanna cuddle under the comforter and look at TV.

He was getting undressed and tossing his clothes down the dirty clothes chute in his closet.

"Boo!" I said, sitting on the bed

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