Chapter 18: The Idea

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"... and survey says, you're a liar!" Chris blurted at the TV.

He's back over here. He has been looking at all type of shows since he got here and he's been yelling at all of them. Currently he has on Law & Order and this show is causing him to be most verbal.

He sucked his teeth, "That's not how that goes!"

"You're not even a criminal lawyer."

He cut his eyes at me, "I went to so many different law schools in different fields before I decided what fit best for me and on top of that— If it interests me, I do my research. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about."

"Excuse me then, let me go on about my business." I said

He lightly chuckled as I walked away. I went upstairs and into my office to do some more research. I was still entirely baffled with what I wanted to do. I understood what Chris was trying
to explain to me and the money sounds great but I just can't bring myself to crawling back to my dad's feet after how he treated me since he found out about what happened. It'll be like he won, still.

Maybe I could open up another accounting firm and since I am his daughter, it might not be as big as his but it may be right under it.

"What you up here doin'?" Chris asked as he walked into my office, placing his can of pop on my desk.

"What I've been doing this entire week."

"I told you what you should do, you don't like my idea?"

"It's not that... well it is that. I don't care too much for your idea. Not because what you said didn't sound good but I don't want to go back in his direction." I explained

"Even after everything I explained to you the other day?"

"Yeah and I took those factors into high consideration but I can't bring myself to turn back his way, I've got too much pride." I explained

"Alright, I understand." He said and sat in the foot stool next to my desk.

"Aren't you watching TV?"

"It's on commercial break." He said

"Well you better get back down there before it comes back on, don't you think?"

"You don't tell me what to do." He said as he stood up and walked towards the door.

"Yet you're making your way back down there." I chuckled

He went back downstairs and I remained in my office, jotting down ideas, writing down pros and cons of ideas I came up with, things that would help my decision making.

My brain became tired and my stomach begin growling so I stood up to stretch then headed down the stairs.

Chris was glued into the TV while I walked to the kitchen. I found something to throw together and curve my hunger.

"So!!" Chris said behind me while doing one loud clap. I jumped as I turned around.

"Why must you do that all the time?"

"Sneak up on you?" He asked

"No, yell a word and then clap, it scares the hell out of me."

He shrugged, "Its my thing when I got something important to get off my chest." He said

"Any who, I have an idea." He added

"No, no more ideas."

"You're acting like my ideas be so bad."

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