Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Summary: Acnologia attacked Tenroujima and Fairy Tail. In their last moment of hope, First Guild Master Mavis Vermillion prayed for the return of a legend, to save Fairy Tail's from their end. He was known by many names during his life...The Demon Brat, The Hero of the Fourth Great Shinobi War, the Nanaidaime Hokage of the Leaf. But now, he was known as the Fairy's Guardian.


Harem for now: Lucy Heartfillia, Erza Scarlet, Mirajane Strauss, Ultear Milkovich, Jenny Realight, Yukino Aguria, Kagura Mikazuchi and Irene Belserion.

In the future maybe: Minerva, Brandish, Dimaria Yesta, Sayla... (Since they're going to appear until much later.)

"Naruto" Normal Speech.

'Naruto' Normal Thought.

"Rasengan" Jutsu/Power/Technique.

"Kurama" Demonic/Dragon/Youkai Speeches.

'Kurama' Demonic/Dragon/Youkai Thoughts.

Fairy's Guardian

Chapter 23

"Suiton: Ukojizai no Jutsu (Water release: Rainmaker Jutsu)" With both hands above his head, Naruto summoned a large amount of rain clouds with his chakra. A few seconds later, the first raindrops fell from the sky before it started raining heavily down Oak town, the place that used to be surrounded by forests and mountains, with a beautiful water flowing nearby. However, due to the recent changes in weather, the town's forests and natures were completely destroyed by heat waves, leaving nothing but dead forests and barren wastelands behind.

Not just Oak Town, these mysterious destructions had done great harms all around the world, not only to the creatures of Earthland but also to its people. Towns that were famous for their richness in nature, such as Oak Town, suddenly came to deal with prolonged drought. Beaches that used. Once beautiful beaches with sunny sky, were surrounded with dark clouds. Even deserts suddenly became the domains of snow, and various kind of animals suddenly moved to the faraway lands to live, even though it was nowhere near migration season yet.

Even Naruto had to admit he had never seen the weather acted so strange before.

A lot of people started to send job requests to Mage Guilds for help with the weather. There have been so many requests that the guild was left completely empty most of the time. Most of the missions were about repairing the damages caused by climate changes, and since Naruto wasn't busy with anything, he decided to lend a hand. The blond accepted a request of defeating a group of bandit that took advantage of the chaos and attacked Oak town, but before leaving he decided to make a rain for the people there, much to their shock and surprise, but happy nonetheless.

"What's wrong Sayla?" Naruto asked when his beautiful demoness suddenly turned her head to the right and looked at the faraway mountain. The two were currently walking away from the town, heading back to his house while wearing Shinobi's traditional raincoats, something that Naruto kept till that time.

"Oh, it's nothing master..." She shook her head with a small smile "It's just Tartarous Guild Building is currently at that direction." From what he learnt about the guild of Etherious demons, Tartarous' headquarter was located on top of an island with the ability to float freely on the sky, and because of that its exact location as well as coordinates were unknown to many, including the Magic Council. After witnessing Naruto's tracking ability during the first day of the Grand Magic Game, the members of said group believed that Naruto would be able to locate the place for them and destroyed it once and for all, ending the Balam Alliance for good.

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