Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

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Summary: Acnologia attacked Tenroujima and Fairy Tail. In their last moment of hope, First Guild Master Mavis Vermillion prayed for the return of a legend, to save Fairy Tail's from their end. He was known by many names during his life...The Demon Brat, The Hero of the Fourth Great Shinobi War, the Nanaidaime Hokage of the Leaf. But now, he was known as the Fairy's Guardian.


Harem for now: Lucy Heartfillia, Erza Scarlet, Mirajane Strauss, Ultear Milkovich, Jenny Realight, Yukino Aguria, Kagura Mikazuchi and Eileen Belserion.

In the future maybe: Minerva, Brandish, Dimaria Yesta, Sayla... (Since they're going to appear until much later.)

"Naruto" Normal Speech.

'Naruto' Normal Thought.

"Rasengan" Jutsu/Power/Technique.

"Kurama" Demonic/Dragon/Youkai Speeches.

'Kurama' Demonic/Dragon/Youkai Thoughts.

Fairy's Guardian

Chapter 17

"LIKE I SAID! WHO CARE ABOUT THAT!" Natsu Dragneel roared angrily "I'M GOING TO GET THEM OUT RIGHT NOW!" the dragon slayer cried out loudly as he was being tied up to the wooden column of the bar they were staying at.

"Shut up brat." Naruto shook his head before knocking him on his head, nearly knocking the fire dragon slayer out "We're talking about the entire Empire here. You fairy lots already have enough problems with them lately." The blond sighed and turned his head to look at Mavis "What do you think?"

Last night, after discovering the truth about Eclipse Plan, Lucy and was Yukino was captured by the imperial army and the only way for them to get the celestial mages back were to win the Grand Magic Game. Even though Naruto wasn't around the time when Zeref started his own Eclipse Plan, but he got the basic idea what it was about and the necessary provisos to put it into motion. Twelve keys and Celestial Spirit, aka a very talent celestial mage like Lucy and Yukino were required to open the gate that enabled people to travel through time when the sun and moon intersect in a Solar or Lunar Eclipse.

His theories about The Eclipse Plan was confirmed by Wendy when she told them about the conversation with one of the Knight of Mercurius Castle. It seemed the gate was set to open on July 7, allowing some individuals to travel back four hundred years in time where they would kill Zeref before he could attain immortality. That was a wise plan to destroy someone like Zeref, but unfortunately for them four hundred years ago was the time when the Dragon Festival was still going strong and there was a possibility that the gate was going to unleash ten thousand dragons from the past to the current world, starting another Dragon Festival that would most likely destroy it.

Now, normally Naruto wouldn't care about Earthland if it was going to be destroy or not, if he cared then he would have stopped Zeref a long time ago when he first attacked Ishgar with his Empire. However, Dragon was a wild creature and as long as they were still around, Naruto would never be able to have a calm and quiet night to sleep or to rest, because they would always come after to him, to try to kill him so they could eat his heart to grow stronger than ever, possible even stronger than Acnologia himself.

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