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Later that evening I stood in our bedroom looking at the mirror trying to find myself even remotely attractive. I'd dropped most of the weight I'd put on but I found my body had changed more than I realised, my hips seemed wider and my boobs definitely hung a lot lower. The tight black dress I had on just pointed out all my insecurities in the mirror and I had a moment of considering getting changed and just going to get Harlem but before I could Happy walked in.

"Holy shit Evie, you don't even look like you just had a baby" he spoke with his eyes wide and full of lust.

"You have to say that" I scoffed.

"When have I ever said shit I didn't mean?" He asked pulling a shirt out of the chest of drawers "You look amazing and if you weren't still bleeding I'd bend you over on that bed right now"

I felt my face flush and let out a little laugh "only four weeks until I'll be cleared for that...is this what you wanted though?"

He looked at me with dark eyes "what?"

"This domestic shit, is this what you wanted?" I stepped towards him.

"It's something I didn't know I needed until it happened. If you'd told me three years ago I'd be married with a baby, I would of laughed. But here I am, happily married with a beautiful baby boy and I couldn't be happier. You're literally a dream that I never thought possible, you never question my loyalty to my club, I mean apart from a couple of murders at the beginning..." he paused to grin and pull me closer "you carried our child and look fucking amazing, this is exactly what I wanted Evie"

I looked up at him and grinned "there's that big softy I married"

"Oh shut up" he laughed before kissing me "now, finish getting ready and let me go show you off"


I stood behind the bar with Lyla serving drinks and enjoying having adult conversations even though my boobs were starting to ache like big massive rocks. I watched closely as my brother networked, Happy and Chibs never far from his side which I was thankful for. I wish I could go back and change the last few weeks, keep Tara with me that afternoon but I knew in this life looking back only hurt the future.

"You okay?" Lyla asked softly, placing a hand on my arm.

"Yeah I'm okay" I smiled back at her "I'm just going to check on Hap"

Walking through the crowd I found him and Chibs standing off to the side as Gemma and Jax spoke too the club president of the Grim Bastards. Happy stepped to pull me close to his side "what's up?"

"What are they talking about?" I asked quizzically pointing towards them.

Chibs shrugged "we think we might of found who did it sweetheart"

"Oh" I felt myself deflate at the thought, though found it odd it took my mother so long to come out with that fact.

Jax walked over with Gemma "I need you to go with Gemma, wait at my house with our special guest until we arrive. Then go home and don't leave until one of us lets you know it's safe, understand Evie?"

I nodded "sure okay"

"Thank you, and make sure you keep helping mom and Wendy with the boys"

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