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Eight months later

The day had finally come, they were being released this morning and I don't think I've ever been more excited in my entire life. I'd gotten up with the sun and gone for a jog, something I'd been doing most morning trying to shed a little bit of weight. I was never obese but I'd always been heavier than most girls I knew. If anything I knew Lux was loving the exercise.

"TODAY IS THE DAY!" I bellowed as I threw the door open to the clubhouse finding most of the remaining members all sat around the table, all giving me beaming grins as I entered.

Chibs stood to embrace me "indeed it is sweetheart! I hope you're prepared for tonight?"

I nodded moving to kiss Piney on top of the head and ruffle Opie and Kozik's hair "of course I'm ready for Ope's big day! I was with Tara all day yesterday sorting decorations, and once I see my sweet thang I'll be heading to Lyla to get ready"

"Thanks heaps Evie, I appreciate you being there for her" Opie spoke as he reached up to pinch my arm "couldn't let it get too mushy between us"

I rolled my eyes as I shoved his hand away "what time are you's taking the bikes out?"

"In about an hour, don't worry your lover boy will be home ASAP" Kozik snickered and I reached out to playfully tug his hair.

"You two are dicks today" I laughed as I headed out towards the office to try and keep myself busy waiting.


"Evie!" I heard my mother call from across the lot and I chucked the pen in my hand down on the desk before checking myself once more in the tiny mirror on the wall before heading out to where her, Tara and the boys were perched at the picnic tables.

I noted all the croweaters, some familiar, others I'd never seen before but they were all in their slutty Sunday bests waiting the return of the men. I bypassed all of them without much of a second look, though I did notice a redhead staring a little longer than the rest of them but I didn't think too much of it.

"Look at you!" Tara laughed pointing down at my attire, I looked down at the leather look jeans and crop top combo and shrugged.

"Don't be like that I've had no reason to dress sexy in over a year!" I lent down to smile at Thomas who kicked and giggled in his seat, before kissing the top of Abel's head.

Before we could talk anymore the rumble of bikes could be heard and my heart all but stopped beating as the air grew thick with anticipation. I couldn't believe the day was finally here after what felt like a life time. Clay pulled in first followed by Jax and the rest of the guys. But my eyes fell on Happy instantly, I stood back and allowed the men to all get reacquainted but was a little stunned when the redhead from earlier ran over and wrapped her arms around Happy's neck.

I turned to Tara standing next to me who also gave me a puzzled look but when I looked back Happy's eyes were dark as he pushed her away from him and headed towards me. Looking up at him moving towards me in his normal clothes knowing he'd be home with me tonight though had me all but forget about the redhead as his strong arms snaked around my waist and he pulled me up against him pushing his lips against mine in a fevered kiss that sent shivers up my spine.

After a moment he pulled back and rested his forehead against mine "fucking finally" he sighed as he loosened his grip and my feet found the ground again.

I really wanted to ask about the girl but before I could Tig snatched me away from Happy and spun me around as he hugged me, followed by Bobby and finally Juice sheepishly approached me "No bottles in your hand?"

"Oh shut up!" I laughed holding my arms open "come here dickhead! I missed ya! Look at your hair!" I ruffled his dark hair as I pulled back from the hug.

Happy's arm immediately found my waist again as he pulled me against his side. I felt a feeling of overwhelming completeness as I looked around at my family. Clay and Jax moved towards us both taking turns to hug me before Clay announced church was in ten minutes. I turned to Happy who was intently glaring across the lot at the mystery girl who was standing amongst a few other girls.

"Who is that?" I asked pulling him by the Kutte to look at me.

He shook his head "someone I used to know, she's unimportant. What's important is getting some time alone with you today..." he lent forward and nipped at my bottom lip causing butterflies to vibrate through my lower half.

"I honestly think you might have to wait until after the wedding" the thought alone had me aching for him but after a year and a bit away I was almost positive the list of the clubs to-do's would be major.

He growled and pushed his hips against mine kissing me once more before he broke away from my grip "I better get inside, I gotta go home and change before the wedding...what's the go with Lux?"

I laughed forgetting she wasn't familiar with him being home "I left her in the backyard this morning, she should be fine"

He nodded kissing my hand before turning to follow the other men inside. My eyes scanned the lot but the redhead was no where to be seen, though I wasn't finished asking questions about her.

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