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Happy POV

I sat at the picnic tables out the front of the clubhouse with a cup of coffee, it was early maybe 6am, but I always preferred being up with the sun. The lot was quiet as the morning sun rose in the sky, I knew I had an hour or so before anyone else was up so when the clubhouse door swung open I nearly jumped, nearly.

Evie walked out in a pair of gym tights and a crop top, I'd thought she was attractive last night but looking at her curves in the morning light was making me feel like ripping her clothes right off...I could've physically shook my head as the thought crossed my mind. She stepped towards me with a grin that had him wanting to grin back, as her honey brown eyes sparkled.

She sat across from me as she pulled her long blonde hair up and into a pony tail "morning"

I nodded at her in response. She stretched and I noticed a dark bruise on her ribs "how'd you manage that?"

Suddenly she looked sheepish "I fell"

I felt my face screw up "you fell...on your ribs and left a bruise like that?"

I watched as she avoided eye contact "don't tell Jax"

I felt a sudden surge of anger at the thought of someone laying hands on this women, don't ask me why. I watched as she looked down at her hands and started too fidget. We heard the rumble of a bike and I watched her face drop as she realised it was Jax, I quickly pulled my hoodie off and handed it too her.

She flashed me a look of thanks as she pulled it over her head just in time for Jax to walk over looking confused "she was cold" I shrugged standing to go inside.

Jax nodded but didn't look convinced as he walked inside behind me. I felt confused myself, I ain't ever been the type of guy who gives his clothes too a woman, hell I could barely handle a conversation with a crow eater after we'd finished fucking.

But something about Evie had me already doing shit I wouldn't usually.

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