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I stood bouncing Abel in my arms as I finished the paperwork on the desk for the house I was about to lease. Since Tara and Jax were on a break, my mother took it upon herself to cancel the nanny without consideration to the fact she herself couldn't spend 24/7 being grandma so here I was, trying to work with a baby on my hip until further notice.

Sighing as I finished filling the form out, I turned and jumped realising my brother was standing behind me "Jesus Jax, don't do that!"

He chuckled moving to sit on the couch across from me "I thought maybe we should talk, it's been a week now since all this Tara shit"

I nodded shifting Abel in my arms "Yes, a week since you made a stupid choice"

I'd ignored my brother since the Ima incident, other than last night, under the orders of both Happy and Piney I was not to make it my problem, wouldn't stop me giving him the mostly silent treatment though.

"Look, I did it for her" I scoffed but he continued "this life never gets easier Evie, you know that. I don't want her stuck here"

"You don't give her enough credit, she loves you Jax and she's an adult let her make her own choices"

He nodded before grinning at me "you suit a baby"

My face screwed up in disgust "god, I could think of nothing worse right now"

"How's the house hunting going?"

I sighed placing Abel into his carrier "found one, just a lease though I'm in no position to buy"

"Mom and I told you we'd get you something Evie, why do you always have to be so stubborn? How does Happy feel about you not buying? Surely he would've helped you?"

It took everything in me not to roll my eyes at my older brother "I'm 28 Jackson, I don't need my help and Happy offered to help but it's only been like two months and I wouldn't feel right with that"

Now it was his turn to roll his eyes "you are the worst"

I chuckled hooking the carrier over one arm and grabbing my keys "Ive got to go hand these in, do I give Abel to Gemma this afternoon?"

He nodded yes before I made my way out towards my car. Clipping Abel's carrier into the base and climbing in. As I went to pull out I noticed Happy walking towards my car, I stopped and waited waving at him "I'm going to go hand the papers in for this house"

"Do you want someone to go with you?" He peaked into the backseat spotting the baby seat "what a good look" he winked.

I reached out and rubbed my hand against his cheek "I'm more than capable of going to the real estate by myself babe"

He nodded leaning in to kiss me goodbye before I spoke again "But send someone around this afternoon to the new place, our furniture is getting delivered and I'll need some help" he nodded once more before he stepped back and I left.

Appetite For Destruction Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя