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Looking around my new house I felt a sense of contentment, finally I had my own space away from the clubhouse. Not that I didn't love my family and the club but the smell of alcohol and cigarettes gets old quick. I'd kept it mostly simple, but it felt like home.

Stepping into the bedroom I fell into the mattress, enjoying getting to sit down for the first time since I picked the keys up this morning. The white comforter felt like heaven underneath me and I considered climbing straight into bed without a shower but my brain wouldn't let me.

I was in the wardrobe looking for nighttime attire when I heard the front door open and close. I stood for a moment listening before I heard the sound of Happy's boots coming up the hallway. He walked in with blood covering his shirt, I had to look twice to make sure it wasn't coming from him before I sighed "Give me your shirt"

He snickered as he pulled it over his head "No questions as to where it come from?"

I rolled my eyes taking the shirt and walking towards the laundry "this isnt my first blood soaked shirt baby" I filled a bucket to soak the shirt as he followed me.

I started scrubbing gently at the stains as he stood behind me in the doorway "I love you"

I dropped what I was doing and spun on my head "what?"

He rolled his jaw "please don't make me say it again, it's hard for me"

I smiled and stepped towards him wrapping my arms up around his neck "I love you too Lowman"


A few days later I walked along the isles of the grocery store, pushing a shopping cart as Lyla walked next to me pushing Abel in his stroller as we picked up bits and pieces to restock the clubhouse. As I was putting fresh bread rolls into the cart my eyes caught someone standing at the end of the isle, he looks familiar but I couldn't place him.

He kept eye contact with me for a few seconds before he looked away and I continued to try and put his face to where I might know him from. Before I could look anymore Lyla spoke distracting me from my thoughts "Do you think they'll work it out?"

"Jax and Tara?" She nodded "Yeah they always will I think, you should of seen them when they were teenagers" I smiled remembering how in love they were before she'd left.

"Must be nice to have a love like that"

I smiled at the thin blonde, I'd liked Donna but I was happy that after she'd died Opie had found Lyla, she was sweet and we got along well so far. I'd enjoyed having company more often than not whenever the boys were busy.

Paying for our groceries and heading towards the car, I spotted the man from earlier sitting in his car across the road. He stared from the drivers seat and I felt a sudden wave of uneasiness when he didn't break eye contact as he spoke on the phone.

Lyla grabbed my arm gently "are you okay Evie?"

I nodded "yeah I'm fine, let's go"


"Juice!" I called as he walked over to the car to help us bring in the bags "we gotta talk you big mouth little bitch"

I watched him pause and consider walking the other way but when I walked towards him he sighed and stay still "listen Evie.."

"Don't 'listen Evie' me! You told Jax what I told you!" I stopped in front of him crossing my arms over my chest "I specifically told you not to tell Jax! Jax of all people Juice!"

"I'm sorry Evie, he asked and I did it in your best interest...I mean it could of been worse" he put his hands up in front of him.

My brows furrowed "could of been worse?!"

He nodded "I could've told Happy"

I let out a laugh "yeah well, that's true. But don't fucking tell my business dickhead" I reached out and gently punched him in the arm "I miss when you were more scared of me than Jax"

He laughed "yeah those days are long gone little Evie"

I rolled my eyes "come on asshole, grab the stuff from the car"

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