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A week later I strolled into the clubhouse late on a Tuesday afternoon with Phil hot on my heels after the Lamaze class Happy had missed. It was scattered with the usual after a run. Men drinking, girls trying for their attention and music playing. Happy stood at the pool table with Tig and Juice laughing and my heart swelled at his smile momentarily.

"How you doing sweetheart?" Bobby's voice spoke from next to me putting a gentle hand against my stomach.

"Swollen and sore" I laughed and baby Lowman kicked against Bobby's hand "can you hear uncle Bobby?" I cooed at my stomach.

"You're gonna be a great mom, I mean you managed to give Happy a heart and keep him in line and that was no easy task" he laughed and I shook my head and headed towards my man.

He spotted me and walked towards me with a smile that I could tell meant he'd been drinking and was feeling jolly "hey sexy" he rasped leaning in to give me a kiss that left a lingering taste of alcohol in my mouth.

"Don't 'hey sexy' me Happy Lowman! You missed the Lamaze class and I had to take Phil! And he was so awkward and didn't wanna touch me incase you killed him!" I pointed my finger back at Phil who stood awkwardly behind me "sorry Phil"

"Oh shit was that today?" Happy's face dropped.

"Yes it was fucking today! And I'm mad at you!" I put my hands on my hips with a scowl as I remembered I was angry.

"I'm sorry baby, I completely forgot" he rubbed his face "and then I started drinking, a rare night off"

I rolled my eyes and slapped Juice and Tig's hands away from my stomach "stop touching me when I'm being angry dickheads!" I turned back to Happy "lucky for you, we have another four classes the next four weeks! And you'll be there and if Jax schedules any bullshit during those hour classes, I'll throw down" I turned and pointed to my brother was listening with a grin from across the room.

"Make him move" Juice spoke as he squatted down in front of me. I put hands either side of my stomach and gently shook it, causing a very lazy kick from the baby and Juice's face lit up "Hi little dude"

"You know for a club of big bad bike enthusiasts, you sure are a bunch of soft cocks" I laughed and Tig feigned hurt.

"Don't be like that doll, we just love you. It's someone close having a baby we will all get a hand in raising" he sighed "now make him move for Uncle Tiggy"

I quickly got distracted from the fact I'd come in here to rip my husband a new asshole and I ended up sitting on the couch with Juice and Tig making the baby move and laughing with them. I forgot all the bad shit going on, kids shooting kids, Tara and Gemma and anything else that I might've forgotten in the urge to pretend I lived a normal life.

Walking into Diosa I looked around, it was fancy in here and I was impressed. The blonde, who I'd come to know as Jayda, at reception smiled at me warmly as she looked at my stomach "wow you look amazing, how far along are you?"

"Roughly twenty nine weeks" I looked around "hey is Nero around?"

"He's actually in custody right now" she bit her lip as she looked around "I can get Lyla?"

"Yeah that would be awesome, thank you. Do you mind if I sit in his office?" I pointed to my swollen ankles "this heat has me fucked up"

She nodded "of course Evie, did you need a drink?"

"I'm good thanks Jayda" I headed towards Nero's office, pushing the door open and heading towards the big comfy office chair. Sighing loudly as I sat down, I looked around the room impressed with Nero's taste. I wished my mother had met him sooner, he's one of the nicest people I think I'd ever met and a great influence on my mom.

I was broken from my thoughts by Lyla entering the room, the bruises on her face were starting to heal from the beating she'd gotten from a potential client a couple of weeks prior and other than that she looked amazing "Evie, how you doing?"

"You're healing well" I grinned at her "I'm okay, was looking for Nero but apparently he's not here?"

"One of the girls got murdered, they found evidence in his car and think it was him. It's not though, he's too kind with his girls to ever be that kind of guy" she sighed, sitting across from me.

"Yeah, doesn't sound like Nero to me" I shrugged "how's everything with the kids? Did you need anything?"

"We're good thanks, they're settling. Kenny looks like Opie, kind like his father too. I miss him though, but I guess it'll get easier" her face dropped as she spoke and my heart hurt for her. I missed Opie everyday, but I couldn't imagine how it would feel if Happy died.

"I'm always here Lyla, I'm sure I'll need some advice once this kid pops out" I chuckled "he loved you Lyla, I know his head was everywhere before he died...but he loved you"

Her eyes lit up as she spoke next "I know, thanks Evie"

I sat and caught up with her for a while longer before deciding I probably should go find the other person I needed to talk to today, Tara. In the car some old Britney Spears song played and I found myself singing along to it, my heart was full, drama seemed almost subsiding. It was a nice change, but I felt like I needed to touch base with Tara.

Walking into Saint Thomas I headed up to Tara's floor. She was in her mostly empty office sitting going over some paper work when I knocked and opened the door "you got a minute?"

She nodded "come in"

Sitting in front of her I sighed "it's hot as fuck outside"

She looked at me knowingly "we both know you didn't come to talk to me about the weather...what's on your mind Evie?"

"What's going on with you Tara? I have barely seen you"

I watched as she ran a hand through her now short hair "just trying to sort loose ends if I end up locked up, which let's be honest, it'd be surprising if I don't"

"And the stuff with my mother?" I knew I was heading into dangerous territory but couldn't stop myself.

"She's poison Evie. If my kids stay in this town with her influence they're doomed to repeat the same mistakes their father and I made. Violence, destruction and death. This shit isn't normal Evie" her voice got low "I don't want it for my sons"

"Jax turned out okay Tara" I tried to reason but she shook her head.

"If you haven't noticed, your brothers turned into someone I don't even know since he got that gavel in his hand. If I could get him out alive too I would, and I'm trying too."

I frowned "Jax just lost his best friend Tara"

"Yeah to more senseless violence, just like when Donna died, Piney died, your father? am I forgetting anyone? Everyone this club touches ends up dead. I'd think as someone who's about to be a new mother you'd understand that"

"I understand you're hurting Tara. But you came back here for that same clubs protection. I get you want to get your kids out of here, but fucking with my mothers head so she reacts and doesn't end up with custody, that isn't the answer." I stood and stared at her as she looked up at me "you do what you need too, but I'd be careful about how you do it. If you betray my brother, it won't end well for any of us"

And with that I left, slamming the door behind me.

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