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"Leave your goddamn Kutte in the car!" I whispered as Happy got out of the car to follow me into our Lamaze class "I don't want to scare these poor people to death. Your tattoos will already be enough"

"Really?" He sighed "this is some bullshit"

"You missed the first one, and Phil took his off" I reasoned and he scoffed "do it Happy, I want our child to have friends in the mommy and me classes after he's born"

"Phil only did it cause he was told to do whatever you asked. I'm not scared of you like he is" Happy laughed taking his kutte off anyway and chucking it on the seat "I do what I want"

He grabbed my hand with his spare hand, he had an exercise ball under the other arm. I slapped his arm gently "you'll be the next one on our kitchen floor if you don't stop being a smart ass motherfucker"

He grinned "god that mouth baby"

"If you sit through this class and actually participate instead of scowling off in the corner, I'll give you some of this mouth afterwards" I promised and he lent down and left a hot kiss on my lips.

"Deal" he growled against my lips and sent shivers up my spine.

Watching Happy sitting amongst a pile of to be parents had to be one of the funniest things I'd ever seen. He stood out like a sore thumb with his dark clothing and tattoos, not to mention he had to look like one of the most unapproachable people on the planet. But he helped me do what I needed, and listened intently as the women spoke about breathing and what happens when our body prepares to give birth. The look on his face when they showed the birthing video was something I'll remember forever, for someone who tortured and murdered people for a living he sure looked spooked by a baby being born.

In the car on the way home I turned to him "so how was that?"

He looked at me and laughed "it was...a lot. I've seen some shit, but this is all just so new too me. I'm trying to be as involved as possible though"

"I know babe, I really appreciate it. You're the only person in this world that doesn't make me wanna explode with rage lately"

"Me and you forever" he grinned, reaching over to grab my hands "who woulda thought when you turned up at the clubhouse?"

"Not me" I admitted truthfully.


"Yes! It looks amazing you guys!" I beamed as I looked in at the nursery. Rat and Phil had been here all day with Juice painting and putting together the babies furniture whilst Happy was off on club business.

"Is this what you had in mind?" Juice asked from next to me as we looked in at the grey nursery, the dark furniture and the reaper Happy had insisted be painted above his cot.

"Better than I had in mind Juicey Juice" I put my hand on his shoulder "come on you guys, I'll make you something to eat"

"I gotta go" Phil spoke "Jax asked me to watch the warehouse with V-Lin"

I nodded and hugged him. He still felt awkward with any type of affection but I didn't care, he'd been a good friend to me the last year or so and I am a hugger. "Thank you for your help today Phil"

"You're welcome Evie, I'll see you tomorrow okay?" He smiled once more before he left.

I went into the kitchen with Rat and Juice following closely behind "what are you guys feeling like?"

"Anything you cook is good, whatever you got" Rat laughed and I nodded smiling at the two sons sitting at our dining table.

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