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Happy POV

It was around 7pm the same day the raid had happened, everyone had finished putting things back where the belonged now Evie, Juice and myself lazily played a game of pool whilst the clubhouse was full of its usual night time antics.

"I don't know why you even bother trying to beat me at this point Juicey, I always hand you your ass" Evie laughed as she won the game. I felt myself get a warm feeling of affection that was so severely out of character for me as I watched this woman laugh and have a good time with my brothers, it was a good feeling in amongst all the chaos this life brings.

That was until Jax walked into the clubhouse arm in arm with Ima, I noted the look on Evie's face visibly darken as she put the pool cue down and crossed her arms "where's Tara, Jackson?"

Jax didn't stop but called out "mind your goddamn business Evelyn" as Ima snickered from next to him and they disappeared down the hall. Juice stuck an arm out as Evie went to follow them and she shoved him hard enough to send him backwards.

Standing quickly I grabbed her around the waist and carried her over my shoulder outside, sitting her down on top one of the picnic tables as she visibly seethed "calm down baby, it's not your fight" I tried to soothe but she stood pacing.

"He's such a piece of shit sometimes honestly" she spat "and Ima, good lord, I kicked that whores ass once when we were younger for being a trouble making slut"

I sat and let her vent but it was really turning me on watching her be so angry and I surprised myself again by what came out of my mouth next "okay but shouldn't Tara be the one who beats her up this time?"

She paused with her hands on her hips "she can't, she's pregnant" as soon as the words slipped her mouth I watched her eyes go wide "oh shit, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone"

I chuckled and held my arms open as she came to rest between my legs "I think you're allowed to tell your old man things though"

She smirked at him "oh yeah, I heard about the claim you put on me Lowman...I don't remember agreeing"

Leaning down to kiss her lips I mumbled "Don't need you to agree for it to be true"

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