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A few days later I sat in the office, the tired feeling still lingering and all the chaos the club was having at the moment didn't help. I loved my family but I felt withdrawn and exhausted from it all, I just wanted one week that I could spend with Happy where he wasn't going and coming all hours of the night.

I stepped out into the garage for some air as I tried to wake myself up. Chibs sat in front of one of the cars engine bays fiddling with something under the hood and I went to stand next to him. He turned to look at me with a smile "you look tired love"

"Exhausted" I mumbled as he stood up and pulled me into a hug that I relaxed into.

"It'll pass" he nodded at me as though he was reading my mind as we turned back to the car.

Sighing loudly I ran a hand through my hair "yeah I know it usually does"

I looked up at Juice walking into the garage, a purple bruise around his neck had my face screwed up instantly "what the fuck happened to you?"

"Ran into some wire" he shrugged avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah did ya wrap it around your neck and jump from a chair after cause that's the only way you would've got bruised like that dude" I started to walk back into the office to give them privacy and watched as Juice hung his head at my words but I was too drained to even act like I didn't mean them.

He'd been off for at least a couple of weeks now and I couldn't put my finger on it. He wasn't the carefree Juice I'd always known. As I sat back down a wave of nausea hit me like a tonne of bricks and I quickly grabbed the trash can to empty my stomach before sitting back in the chair. What the hell is wrong with me?

I was startled when my mother was standing at the door to the office that led to the outside with a knowing look on her face "you got a belly full of arms and legs?"

My face dropped as I quickly tried to remember my last period. Surely I had one recently...but in the month Happy had been out I realised I hadn't had one at all. I felt panicked as I looked back at my mom, a feeling of emotion fell over me and I burst into tears.

She quickly stepped towards my wrapping her arms around me as I lent up from my seat to press my head against her stomach and she played with my hair. We stood in silence for a minute or so as I sobbed my little heart out feeling like my world had just crashed around me before she spoke again "come on baby, let's go to the hospital...get Tara to run some tests before you get too worked up"

I nodded wiping my eyes as I stood grabbing my purse and following my mother out of the door. I felt like a little girl again, desperate for the comfort of my mother as I contemplated my options if I was pregnant. It would make sense, with the tiredness and the mood swings. The nausea was just the nail in the coffin I guess.

I quickly pulled my sunglasses over my eyes as Happy pulled into the lot as we pulled out, the last thing I needed was him to realise I was crying like a baby and for all the questions to start. On the ride to the hospital I stared out the window feeling confused, Gemma reached out and gave my hand a squeeze reassuringly but all that did was send another wave of tears.

I wasn't sure why I felt so emotional about the idea of being pregnant, it wouldn't be the worst thing but with the way the club was currently I stressed I'd be doing it alone mostly and I saw how bitter Tara had become since becoming a mother and I didn't want that to be me. I knew better than pretending Happy would ever even entertain the idea of walking away from his club and I wouldn't ever ask it.

I now sat in a room at Saint Thomas as Tara prepped a blood test and had a sample of my urine sitting on the tray to test as well. She looked at me sympathetically "I've known you a long time Eve, and I don't think I've ever seen you cry more than twice"

I half heartedly chuckled "let's just get this over with doc, I'm gonna die of a heart attack waiting to know"

"Okay so we will test the urine first, if that comes back positive a blood test to find out the levels in your blood will tell us roughly how far along you are..." she paused as I felt my eyes watering again "if you are, you could not be"

I closed my eyes tight as she stuck the little stick into my pee too scared that if I looked it'd become too real if I watched. After what felt like forever Tara spoke "okay that's a strong positive..."

I sighed deeply pinching the bridge of my nose "just my fucking luck" I whispered.

Appetite For Destruction Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora