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The following evening I arrived home to an empty house, which wasn't unusual, things with the club had been busy and Happy was gone more often than not. I didn't question why or where he was, I knew better and I didn't really want to know.

Pulling my purse from the passenger seat I climbed out and made my way towards the house. I noticed the door was unlocked but put it down to me probably forgetting to lock it on my way out this afternoon. Inside everything looked normal, until I stepped into the kitchen.

On the bench sat a huge arrangement of red roses, that in itself threw me for a loop, Happy wasn't a flowers type of person and he was in Stockton there's no way he could've left these here in the hour I'd been gone. Taking the little white card from in amongst the roses I felt my heart drop

Roses for my rose,
See you soon Evelyn

I suddenly felt less alone in the house, I wasn't sure what to do. I didn't feel safe but I couldn't ring any of the guys they were all busy. I paused deciding to ring Tara to come have dinner, and help me check the rest of the house. I called her and tried to be as inconspicuous as I could with my wording incase anyone was listening. She seemed grateful for the invite and said she'd be right over.

I started preparing dinner, making sure I kept a knife handy. Chopping the vegetables and putting them into a pot to steam I heard the floor board creek behind me, I spun wielding the knife and came face to face with Tara "oh my god Tara, you startled me"

Tara's face looked confused "sorry Evie, the door was open so I just let myself in...are you okay?"

I shook my head no but spoke "are you packing?"

I watched her face grow even more concerned but she nodded yes before pulling a hand gun out of her purse "follow me please" I whispered as we made our way through the house, I checked every inch of it for anyone and made sure to double check the looks before I relaxed.

"What's going on Evie? It's not like you of all people to be spooked" she asked as she started setting the table, though she paused to read the card on the bench next to the flowers "who is A?"

I sighed stepping back from the stove to lean against the bench behind me "my ex, the reason I ended up back here looking for the protection of my brother"

Tara chuckled dryly "yeah that seems to be a pattern around here"

As I finished cooking dinner and we sat down to eat I filled her in on the Andrew situation, she listened and didn't once pass a judgement something that surprised me but I wasn't complaining. Once I was finished telling her about the weird guy in the grocery store and coming home to the roses she looked worried "You should tell Happy, and you shouldn't be here alone"

I sighed, knowing she was right "Yeah I know, I'll tell him when he gets home tonight...in fact I might ring and see if he's even coming home tonight"

She nodded in agreement "yes and if he's not you're coming home with me"

I didn't argue but went and pulled my phone out of my purse dialling the number he was currently using, it only rang twice before he answered "baby what's wrong?" His voice oozed concern at the fact I was ringing at all, I had always made a point of not ringing if I knew he was on club business.

"I'm okay don't worry, I was just wondering when you'll be home?"

"I'd say a couple of hours at least..." his voice didn't sound convinced I was okay but he didn't argue the point.

"Okay well I'll be up and waiting for you, I have some things you need to know"

"Okay I'll see you soon, I gotta go" I heard the line click and I turned to Tara who still looked concerned as she sat at the table.

I smiled weakly at her "I'll be okay Tara, don't worry about me okay. You gotta take care of yourself right now"

She look unconvinced "I'm going to stay till he gets back"

I nodded in agreement as my stomach started twisted at the thought of actually having to tell him and hoping he doesn't go completely off the rails.

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