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Happy POV

Turning the faucets off, I stepped out of the shower. The house sounded quiet, but I didn't think much of it. Dressing quickly into a pair of boxers before making my way down the hall I was stunned at the scene I walked in on.

Evie sat in the fetal position across from a very bloody dead body of a man I'd never seen before in my life. Her face was swollen on the left side but the rest of the blood seemed to be his "what the fuck happened?" I asked as I swooped down next to her to double check she was okay.

Looking up at me she burst into tears "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry"

I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up "Evie, you gotta tell me who this is so I can dispose of him properly"

She looked at me holding herself together enough to whisper "he wouldn't of been alone...you got to check his car out the front..."

I sighed deep before going to grab my gun and silencer from the bedroom, this was really not how I planned on this night going. I had to tell Evie I might be going away for a year or so and I was hoping tonight would be the night I could ease into telling her after how paranoid she'd been the last few days but evidentially the universe thought I'd much prefer to be disposing of dead bodies.

Going out through the back and sneaking around the side of the house in the shadows I managed to get directly behind the car, rolling my eyes when I saw two guys sitting in it wearing suits, aiming the gun I fired two shots directly into the back of their heads before walking quickly back inside to call someone to help me dispose of them.

Inside Evie was sitting up on the bench smoking a cigarette as she stared at the guy on the floor "done?" She asked as she saw me enter the room.

I nodded "I just called Jax, to come help me take them somewhere..."

She took a long drag of the smoke before exhaling slowly "Guess you want some answers huh?"

I didn't say anything though I felt angry that she obviously had known who he was and that he was looking for her, it explained why she'd been so paranoid and asking for guns. Before I could think my anger spoke "Does it really matter I wasn't important enough to tell prior to you slashing his guts out on our kitchen floor Evie?"

She closed her eyes and sighed "I didn't wanna worry you Happy"

"Yeah but it's okay for me to clean up the fucking mess" I growled kicking the body on the floor in front of me.

I watched a fire start behind her eyes as she pushed off the bench "are you fucking joking me right now Lowman? I didn't want you to stress" she seethed before she picked a cup up off the bench and threw it as hard as she could at the wall.

I could sense her anxiety and frustration but in the moment I was so tired mentally and physically that I felt a feeling of betrayment that she hadn't warned me about this guy. Before we could get into it any further a very wary Kozik and Juice poked their heads in the kitchen both taken aback by the body on the floor "wow" was all Juice could mumble as he looked at the pool of blood in front of them.

"Where's Jax?" Evie asked sighing as she pulled her hair up into an bun on top of her head.

Kozik looking unsure but spoke first "um so...he's looking for Tara..."

"Where is she?"

"Well, she was taken today" Juice finished.

Evie sighed rubbing her hands over her face vigorously "wow okay well, let's just sort this mess out and then I'll ask more questions about that mess...evidentially I forgot that this shit just never fucking ends"

After instructing the guys to go retrieve the bodies out of the car and put them in the van, I moved to go get dressed. Whatever this fight with Evie was could wait until I'd calmed down.

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