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The next morning I'd woken up before Happy and had quickly made my way back to my own room before anyone was awake enough to see it happen. The same day Clay, Tig, Juice and Happy had gone on a two day run so I had managed to avoid any awkward encounters thankfully.

I now sat at Jax and Tara's bouncing Abel in my lap as Tara and I caught up, my mother Gemma sat opposite us on the other couch as we spoke about all the things that had happened since we'd seen each other last, though I managed to exclude anything about Andrew.

Looking down at the blue eyed baby in my lap I felt a feeling of pride, he was my brothers twin, and I had a sudden urge to protect him from any type of danger at all cost "he's so beautiful isn't he?" I gushed.

My mother laughed "yeah can't half tell who's kid he is huh?"

I nodded "god he's making me so clucky!"

It was then I noticed the smirk upon my mother's face "you know Evelyn, Chibs told me a very interesting story yesterday..."

Rolling my eyes hard I looked to Tara who snickered from next to me but said nothing "what mom? What did you hear that was so interesting?"

"Early Wednesday morning one Evelyn Teller was spotted leaving Mr Happy Lowman's room, care to elaborate sweetheart?"

I felt my cheeks flush red as I avoided eye contact and said nothing but shook my head no.

"Happy?" Tara questioned with her brows furrowed "wouldn't of picked him as your type Evie"

Mom sat forward with a grin "oh I would of! A bad ass like the Tacoma killa is right up her alley"

I felt curious about the nickname and broke my silence "Tacoma killa? Why that name?"

"He's ruthless our Happy, clubs go to when it comes to any type of 'making people talk or disappear' business"

I nodded, of course queen of SAMCRO Gemma Teller had all the knowledge of the guys in the charter. It didn't deter me from my interest in him though, if anything I felt more intrigued to know him better, if I ever got the chance that is.

The afternoon continued on without a hitch but my brain kept circling back to the feeling of Happy's lips against mine so when I pulled into the Teller-Morrow lot and saw no bikes I felt disappointment radiate through me. Grabbing the bag of groceries I'd stopped to get on the way home I made my way inside the clubhouse, waving at Chucky on my way past.

Putting everything away in my room I considered what I'd do to keep myself busy, deciding a nap would be good, I stripped off and climbed into bed and for the hundredth time today my mind wandered to what Happy might be doing before my brain switched off and into sleep.

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