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I sat at the picnic tables with my mom and Juice eating our take away lunches and chatting amongst ourselves, majority of the club were out doing bits and pieces and those who weren't were either working in the garage or with their families. I turned to look as Ima and mystery redhead walked out of the club house and scowled.

"Bit early for you isn't it Ima...who's your friend?" I called, curiosity finally getting the better of me with this woman who seemed so interested in Happy.

Juice kicked me under the table and shook his head before he whispered "can you not get into a fight at lunch time on a Tuesday?"

"Her names Claire, she's come back to claim what's hers" Ima smirked at me as she crossed her arms, though I did note how she stepped back to put Claire between us.

"There's nothing in this clubhouse that belongs to her, so I suggest you both get in your piece of shit car and leave" My mom spoke from next to me as she noticed my fists balling on the table, the infamous Teller temper threatening to rear its ugly head.

Ima and Claire snickered but didn't wait to be told twice and left. I turned to Juice feeling the rage still bubbling in my stomach "I want to know who that is...can you find out who she is? Where she's from?"

He nodded looking unsure but didn't bother arguing with me. We ate the rest of our lunches in silence before I disappeared back into the office still feeling annoyed from earlier. If Happy knew who she is, why couldn't he just tell me? I repeatedly asked myself this question for the next few hours as I half-assed did invoices and quotes for jobs. It was about 5:30pm by the time a rumble of bikes could be heard and the lot filled up.

I stood at the door and watched them all climb off but was surprised to see Sheriff Rosevelt pull in behind them with a fire truck in tow. I didn't move from my spot, I knew better than to get in the way of a raid and this was what was surely about to happen. Two days of them being home and here we are.

I watched as Clay turned to me before he followed them in and pointed as if to remind me to stay put, I nodded in agreement and sat down on the doorframe, becoming increasingly aware of Chucky's presence behind me "what's going on?" He questioned.

"Well Chucky, it appears the new chief of police isn't a fan of us" I shrugged rolling my eyes as I heard the sound of shattering glass, something else for me to clean up.

"Do you reckon it's because of those bodies they found today on the new Charming heights development?"

I felt my brows furrow "what bodies?"

"Yeah apparently they found the bodies of four Russians out there this morning"

I felt my eyes roll involuntarily remembering the Russians at the wedding the night before and the blood on Happy's arms when he got home "yeah maybe, who knows?"

It wasn't long before the fire trucks and police left the lot, all looking pleased with themselves as they drove away. I took this as my cue to head over and assess the damage. As soon as I walked in I saw the mug shot wall had been hit with what looked like an axe and the window into the chapel was shattered all over the floor. All of the men stood around looking angry and you could've cut the tension with a knife.

Clay turned to me gesturing with his fingers to come to him, I stepped closer and he put his arm around my shoulders before he spoke to the room as a whole "clean this shit up, then let's have a drink cause god knows we need it"

Everyone started to move and I turned to look up at my stepfather "are you okay?"

He nodded kissing my forehead "I'm fine sweetheart, why don't you ring Mom? Tell her to get back here"

I nodded before I moved away to make the call. Within the hour the clubhouse was full of members. I sat on one of the couches with Thomas on my lap as everyone sat around talking amongst themselves. I felt stressed that I'd only just gotten everyone back and already this shit was happening but tried not to let it show as I blew raspberries on Thomas' cheeks.

I noticed the lack of Happy and Kozik but assumed they were still doing some business elsewhere. You could still feel the frustration and tension in the air but when Tara stood to make an announcement everyone gave her their full attention "we're engaged!" She beamed showing the rock on her finger and everyone cheered congratulating them.

And with that the mood noticeably changed.

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