⭐️Guns N Roses Christmas Special Christmas Eve (part 10) 🎄

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Ah those sweet childhood memories around Christmas. From decorating the tree to the presents on Christmas morning, but nothing quite holds a special place than staying up to wait for Santa. Folks young and old have tried at one point to sneak a peak on him but none have succeeded. Let's see how our dear reader fairs. Shall we?
*opens book*
Axl: Your son was determined to stay up and see Santa. You and Axl giggled at his determination.
"I'm gonna stay up all night and see Santa and give him a big hug!" He exclaims.
"Oh really? Why do you wanna do that?" You smiled.
"To thank him for all the gifts and to see if his belly really is like jelly!" He replies.
You had made a little fort in the living room with a little DVD player in it so he could watch Christmas movies.

It is getting late and you can tell that your son is loosing steam

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It is getting late and you can tell that your son is loosing steam.
"I gotta stay up," he tells himself sleepily.
You lay a blanket over him and start to play with his hair until he falls asleep.
"Well he did his best," Axl laughs.
"Yeah our little man had good intentions. Maybe next year?" You reply.
"Yeah I have faith in him. But for now let's go to bed." Axl yawns.
"I second that," You reply.
You both get up and head towards your room. On the way you turn off the lights in the living room so that only the trees lights are twinkling.
"Merry Christmas little man," you whisper.

Slash: Your son had heard from his friends that if you stayed up on Christmas you'd be able to see Santa and he was so excited.
"And then they said he will give you a special gift too!" Your son explains.
"Really now?" You muse.
"I thought Santa didn't come unless you were asleep?" Slash played along.
"Yeah I thought that too, but jimmy says that he saw him later year and gave him that skateboard he always wanted," Your son replies.
"Well what is it that you are wanting that's so important?" You ask.
"I want to ask Santa if he will give me a bell from his sleigh like in that one movie we watched!" Your son replies.
"Well you know that is a pretty big ask, you sure you are ready for that?" Slash asks.
"Yeah! I've been really good all year so I hope he understands," Your son says.
You all sat in the living room drinking coco, talking, and watching Christmas movies.

Your son feel asleep watching the Polar Express, ironically at the part where the boy finds the bell

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Your son feel asleep watching the Polar Express, ironically at the part where the boy finds the bell. You tuck him in all cozy on the couch and you and Slash sneak out on the room, but not before cutting off the lights.
"Good night my sweet boy," you whisper to your son.

Duff: Your daughter was so excited for Christmas that she decided to stay up all night.
"But you know sweetie, Santa won't come if you aren't asleep," you remark.
"Oh yeah, I forgot," she sighed.
"But don't worry baby, I'm sure if we pretend to sleep he will think we're asleep and we'll get to see him." Duff said.
In preparation you all made a little mattress of blankets on the floor and, as a special treat, you set up a projector and watched Christmas movies.

You were on the couch watching the third movie of the night when you look down and see Duff and your daughter asleep in the cocoon of blankets

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You were on the couch watching the third movie of the night when you look down and see Duff and your daughter asleep in the cocoon of blankets. You laugh and get up, giving both of them a kiss, and turned off the lights. You got comfy on the couch to sleep.
"Night my sweet babies," you say before falling asleep.

Izzy: Your kids had a plan to see Santa. They thought if they could get a picture of him that they would have bragging rights with their friends in school. They camped out right next to the tree and were ready with there little, toy, camera.
"We can do it!" Your daughter exclaims.
"Yeah it's gonna be so cool!" Your son replies.
You and Duff laughed as your kids plotted their little scheme. It wasn't long before your kids had fallen asleep next to the tree.

You and Izzy cover them with a blanket and make your way towards your room

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You and Izzy cover them with a blanket and make your way towards your room.
"Good night my little schemers," you whisper.

Steven: Steven and your daughter were one in the same when it came to Christmas. They both tried to stay up and see Santa. They were both sat in the living room watching movies most of the night. Once they finished all the movies they started to get bored.
"What can we do now?" Your daughter asks.
"I don't know baby. Maybe we should go to bed?" He jokes.
"No! I don't wanna go to bed!" Your daughter whines.
You giggle a little and that's when Steven gets an idea.
"I know. Why doesn't mommy read us a story," he smirks.
You smile and nod. Your daughter climbs on your lap and Steven sits on the couch next to you.

After a few stories you feel your daughters breath even out and look down to see that she fell asleep in your lap

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After a few stories you feel your daughters breath even out and look down to see that she fell asleep in your lap. You then look over to see Steven laying on the arm of the couch, asleep. You smile and gently lift your daughter into your arms, setting her down in Steven's arms, covering them both with a blanket. You watch the fire start to dwindle and cut off the lights.
"Merry Christmas my little dreamers," you kiss them both and go it your room.

*closes book*
Happy Christmas Eve to you all my darlings. I hope you all have a wonderful night and make sure you get plenty of sleep and keep on the lookout tomorrow for another story. Until then Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Good Days to you all. 💝

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