Their reaction to you going into labor

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Requested by @LedZepplingirl445

Axl: you were both at home watching movies and eating junk food when you suddenly felt wetness between your legs and a shocking pain, "uh, Axl, my water just broke," you say, holding your stomach. His eyes widen, "Oh my god!" He runs upstairs and grabs your pre packed bag then helps you to the car. He drives like a maniac to the hospital, while still being careful. When you arrive you are rushed to a room while Axl calls the boys, your band, and your mom. 

Slash: He had just finished a concert and you two were cuddling backstage. "So when is Slash jr due?" Axl's girlfriend asks while rubbing your big baby bump. "Any day now," you say smiling. You both laugh when you feel something cold trickle down your leg, "oh shit," you say looking at Slash. He knows what happened, since you are sitting on his lap, so he picks you up bride style and tells one of the roadies to prepare a car. You and him pile into one while the boys aren't far behind in there cars. When you get there you are rushed to a room, but never let go of his hand.

Duff: you were waiting for duff to finish his band practice when you suddenly felt a wet spot under you, and a surge of pain hit you. "Duff! The babies coming!" You yelled in pain. All the boys stoped and rushed to your aid. After they managed to get to the hospital you were rushed into a room, screaming your head off, that's what happens when you want a natural birth.

Izzy: (as stated in there reaction to holding your child) the birth was pretty fast. You knew the baby was due any day now so you checked into the hospital for a few nights. One night when you were asleep you woke up screaming, your water had just broken. Izzy slept on the little couch in the room and jumped at your scream. He ran and got the doctor and the rest is history.

Steven: you were laying in bed while Steven rubbed your 9 month pregnant belly. "Come on baby, daddy wants to see your beautiful face," he says whispering to your baby. As if the child heard his request, pain shot through you and you felt something wet go down your legs. "Steven, I think you just might!" You say holding your stomach. His eyes widen and he helps you to the car. When you reach the hospital you get rushed in a room, while Steven was right by you, holding your hand.

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