Age gap

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So this is kinda like a half preference half imagine. It's about them being there current ages and you being in your 20s and getting a lot of hate for it but they comfort you

Axl: You were walking down the street, headed home, when a camera crew was suddenly in your face. "Y/N why are is a relationship with Axl? Is it only for his money?" "Why dont you date someone your own age?" You made a run for your house. You finally lost them and made your way inside your house. Axl was on tour so you were there alone, he would call and text you when possible but it wasn't the same. Especially since people had started to say hurtful things about your relationship. He was 55 and you were 27, and you loved each other, but not everyone approved. You were close to tears, that was the third time this month that they'd done something like that, so you decided to try and call Axl.
*ring* *ring*
"Hey baby," Axl answers.
"Hi," you say with a sniffle.
"Is everything alright sweetheart?" He asks in a worried tone.
"It happened again, why cant they just leave us alone?" You ask.
He sighs, "Cause they don't see what we do, but fuck them. I love you and no shit talking tv gossip column is gonna change that," he says happily.
You smile, "You're right, I love you too, and I miss you," you reply.
"I miss you too doll. I'll see you soon though, I gotta go, I'll call you later tomorrow ok?" He says lovingly.
"Ok, bye," you hung up and smiled. He was right, no matter what you loved him. Even if he was a goofball at times. You got ready for bed in one of the oversized shirts that he left, and fell asleep to dream of him.
Time Skip
When you wake up, you stretch and get your phone from the bedside table. You go on Instagram to see that Axl had posted a picture of you two with a caption "A lot of people say we aren't right for each other, and I know I'm not easy to love, but this brave woman has stayed with me through everything. I love you @Y/I/N"
You read the comment section and saw nothing but beautiful comments and it almost brought you to tears. You couldn't wait for him to get home.

Slash: It was your 22 birthday and you were spending it with your boyfriend Slash, watching horror movies and eating pizza. You turned on the tv to put the movie in when it shows the news, "It has been almost a year since the start of the relationship between Slash and (Y/N), rumors still circulate on whether or not she has an ulterior motive to the rel.." Slash switches the tv to DVD mode fast. "Are you alright baby?" He asks seeing the sad expression on your face. "Yeah, I'm just tired Saul, it's been almost a year, I thought people would ease up by now," you say cuddling into his side, having already put the movie in. "Hey, no matter what baby, you'll always have me," he smiles, taking his sunglasses off. You look into his eyes and smile, "I love you baby," you say. "I love you too, wanna start the movie?" He asks. "Yeah!" You reply excitedly.

Duff: It was just another day on tour with him. You were walking around the side of the stage while Duff practiced, talking with Meegan. "It's so nice that you were able to come this time, I was getting lonely with no girls to hang around with," she says happily. "Yeah, I missed you too, things actually lined up," you were a photographer and you tended to be a workaholic. "So how has everything been with the photos?" She asks. "Things are good, I just released a new photo album and people seem to really like it," you made an album of pictures of Duff and he brought you into a few of the pictures, but since then you have been receiving hate comments because you were 24 and he was 53. You shed a tear and Megan hugs you, "I know sweetheart, but it will be ok. I know Duff loves you more than anything," she says reassuringly. "Damn right I do, and nothing any critics say is gonna change that," Duff says coming up behind you and hugging you. You smile, "I love you too," you reply.

Izzy: You both lived out of the big cities so you really didn't have to worry about getting judged so much, there was the occasional dirty look from someone but aside from that not much.
You: 23
Him: 55

Steven: You were only 21 and you got a lot of hate for it. From magazines, to the news, to being ambushed at his concerts for it. Everyone just didn't like the idea because he was 52, but you still loved him, nonetheless here you were, in your shared home, in your art studio, crying again. You had a long history of depression and self hatred, you were getting better till they started to attack your looks and intelligence. Saying that he needs someone smarter and prettier than you. "Baby, are you in here?" You hear Steven's voice ask. "Yeah," you say sniffling. He walks over and hugs you, your dogs following and nudge against your legs. You smile, "Do you love me?" You ask. "Of coarse I do baby, you are the most amazing person ever, you are beautiful and so so smart. You make me a better man," he replies. You smile and hold each other a while longer.

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