⭐️Guns N Roses Christmas Special part 7🎄

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Requested by @Rocket_Queen97
Disclaimer: I am trying to keep this series wholesome so please keep that in mind. Also if anyone has requested something not Christmas related I will do it after this series (so Jan 1st) thank you for your understanding
*Fire burning bright in the fireplace, coco steaming on a side table*
And one depressed bitch to tell you a story. Yes my children it is that time of year again. It's cold outside and warm in our hearts and I'm hoping I remembered to spike the coco when I see my family, but in true GNR fashion we are back at it again
*pulls out really fuckin heavy book* (please tell me someone got this reference)
With going caroling with the kids
Axl: You were getting your son ready for caroling with his friends. "Come on honey let's go put your boots on" "ok mommy" your son waddles out of his room towards the front door where his snow boots are sitting. "I still don't see why we have to go if there is already a bunch of parents" your husband remarks coming into the living room with a visible pout on his face. "Because love, it's for our son's scout troop. He really wants us to go with him and he's so excited." You reply and point to your son excitedly struggling to put on his boots while wearing his puffy winter coat. Axl sighs, "you're right I just really hate snow," he replies. "I know love but when we get home we will make coco and get nice and warm," "oh really?" He smirks. "Oh no mister remember what happened last time?" Again pointing to your son. He laughs. You all go to the car and drive to the meeting spot. When you get there your son is given a little book of songs and put into a group with other kids and parents. You make your way down a suburban street with lots of Christmas light lit houses and knocked on the first door, it was a sweet elderly couple, and the kids started singing.

Time skip to back home
After an hour or two and a lot of houses later the group decided that was enough and went on there merry way back home to get warm after the kids exchanged goodbyes. When you all got home your son was so happy he was practically bouncing off the walls. "That was so much fun thank you mom thank you dad. I love you so much!" He hugs both of your waists and you smile and mouthed to Axl 'I told you so.' Afterwards your son ran up to his room. "You were right I didn't hate it as much as I thought." Axl says. "True, but you were right too snow sucks." You reply remembering how you slipped on some hidden ice and fell on your but while caroling. You both look at each other and laugh, "All in all a perfect end to a perfect night," Axl says while pulling you in for a kiss. "Merry Christmas Axl," you say as your lips meet for a sweet kiss.

Slash: Your son wanted to go caroling with his friends so you and a couple parents made plans to go to a nearby suburb with a lot of houses. Your son and his friends made there own little song book full of carols and were practically running to the houses and singing to the people. Turns out this suburb was filled with a lot of older families and they were tickled by the little group of kids caroling, one house even gave them cookies as a thank you. "This is pretty fun actually," Slash said with a Christmas cookie still hanging from his mouth. "Yeah you seen to be enjoying the fruits of our adventure more than the kids," you joke while wiping some crumbs from his face. "How many more houses are we gonna do?" Slash asks. "Can we do one more dad? We only have one more song left." Your son chimes in. "Ok sweetheart one more." You reply. Him and his friends run up the the house and knock on the door and start singing

The family started laughing and said there Thank you's as you made your way back to your car. On the drive home your son fell asleep and when you made it home Slash carries him to bed. "Tonight was a good night," you say as you watch your son sleep. "Yeah it was," Slash replies. You close the door to your sons room and go lay down on the living room couch, Slash following after and cuddling into your stomach. You smiled and started to play with his hair till you heard small snores coming from him, chuckling you suddenly realized how tired you were and drifted off to sleep cuddling with the man you loved.

Duff: You were caroling with some friends of yours and there children. Your daughter had just turned one so Duff carried her and help the book and she gurgled our the words as best she could while the other kids, ranging from about 4-6 jumped around happily. "Do you want a break love? I'll hold her," you said. "No it's ok. Besides she knows she's a daddies girl. Yes you are," he gives your daughter a kiss and she giggles with happiness. You make your way the the last house and your daughter picked

To sing and the kids gave and adorable try. After you said your goodbyes you all made your way home where you made hot chocolate and put on a Christmas movie for your little munchkin. You and Duff cuddled on the couch while your daughter played till she fell asleep. After you put her to bed you saw Duff standing at the entrance of the kitchen. "What are you doing?" You giggled. All he did was point up, you looked up and laugh, he had put a mistletoe above you. You smiled and kissed him. "Love you Duff," "Love you too (Y/N)"

Izzy: You and your kids went to visit your parents for Christmas and it was snowing pretty hard all day. "Aw mom we really wanted to go caroling!" Your son sighed. "Yeah we even made books and everything!" Your daughter added. You and Izzy smiled. "How about we go inside caroling?" Izzy says. "What's that?" Your kids ask. "Well we go into the bedrooms and you knock and come sing to us," you added. Your kids faces lit up and they ran to go get their books as you laughed and both went into a bedroom, your parents eventually doing the same in another bedroom. Your kids did this for maybe an hour and sang many songs to the pare of you and your parents. After that you all came back into the living room for one more group carol of

After that your parents said it was time for dinner. Your kids ran up to you and Izzy and said, "Thanks mom, thanks dad. That was great!" and ran to dinner. You and Izzy smiled and shared a kiss before going and eating dinner with the family.

Steven: You, Steven, and your daughter all went out caroling in your local neighborhood. Steven and your daughter were having a blast just singing the first songs that came to there head. He was carrying her on his shoulders while she was singing all the way to the houses. After a while they both get tired so you make your way home. When you get there Steven put her down and she garbed his hand and dragged him to the living room. You laughed and followed. "Mama sit down we wanna sing you a song!" Your daughter exclaims. You sit on the couch as they start singing

They knew that you loved the Polar Express so they sang your favorite song from it. After they finished they ran up and hugged you and snuggled on the couch with you. "Merry Christmas mama!" Your daughter laughs. "Merry Christmas my loves." You say as you give them both a kiss.

*closes book*
*sigh* how sweet. Well my lovelies I hope you liked this story and I will do my best to post these every Saturday of December and maybe a special one Christmas morning. Have a wonderful and safe Christmas and if maybe you are in a family situation where you don't just remember how amazing you are.
See you soon

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