You go to the beach

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Axl: He takes you on a weekend getaway to the beach, you are both stressed from work so you go to relax. You also warn Axl to where sunblock, he doesn't, so when you get home you have to tend to his burns, not that you minded.

Slash: The boys dragged him there for some "vacation" time, so he brought you with him. You got to see him in a swimsuit and he pulled his hair back in a ponytail. It was strange, but nice, to see his face out from under his jungle of curls. He basically laid in your lap or pulled you in the ocean with him, for the entire trip.

Duff: He snuck a bunch of alcohol with him, as to be expected. You guys actually did an interview on a boat, going towards some island, where he publicly announced your relationship.

Izzy: He stayed under a beach umbrella near the hotel pool for most of the time, he only came out when you begged him to get in the pool with you. Which, even tho he would never admit it, he enjoyed.

Steven: He was like a hyperactive child, one minute he was making sand castles and the next he was swimming. You sat under a beach umbrella reading until he came over, "babe, wanna get ice cream?" He asks smiling with the excitement of a child. You agreed and got some, as you where eating, you looked over to see him almost done but half was smeared on his face. He smiled as you whipped off his face with napkins.

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