⭐️Guns N Roses Christmas Special part 6🎄

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Well hello there again. Gosh it's been a year already? Time flies I suppose.
*pulls out story book*
Now let's see, ah yes this one was requested by @Goth-Bunny let's see what happens. Shall we ?
Axl: You were mixing the batter to make gingerbread men for Axl and your son when you heard giggling from the doorway. You look over and see Axl and your son peaking into the kitchen, eyeing the already made cookies cooling on the rack. "Oh no you don't boys. These cookies are still hot," you pointed your mixing spoon at them threateningly. Axl comes from behind the frame and jokingly acts like an adult, "Your right honey. (Y/S/N) go in the living room and watch movies till it's time to decorate the cookies." Your son looks surprised, "But dad you said-" " No arguing, go on now," Axl interrupts but winks. Your son giggles and runs in the living room as Axl comes and hugs you from behind. "Thank you baby," you say as you turn to kiss him. You suddenly feel his hand lift and go for the cookie batter. You let him get a little bit and laugh as he runs away in triumph. "I love my children even the overgrown one," you laugh to yourself as you place the last batch in the oven.

Slash: You had been baking all day. From cookies to Gingerbread men to cakes. Your work was having a Christmas party and you were responsible for the desserts. Lucky for you you had to eager helpers. Slash and your son were working on the last cake, Slash putting icing on and your son pouring sprinkles on it. They both had there masses of curls pulled back and were laughing. You smiled at the sight as you finished the last batch of cookies and let them cool then walked over to them. "Mommy look I made it pretty!" Your son exclaimed. "Why yes you did! It looks wonderful!" You say picking him up from the chair he was standing on. Slash smiled and secretly put a little bit of icing on his finger before coming to give you a kiss. After pulling away he smeared the icing on your nose before licking the rest off his finger. Your son started laughing so you got some icing off your nose and wiped it on his. You both started laughing then turned to Slash. You both grabbed some icing and ran after him eventually smearing it all over him when you caught up. You all laid laughing on the floor covered in icing, "I love you both so much," Slash said giving both of you a sugary kiss.

Duff: You, Duff, and your daughter were sitting at the dining room table decorating a gingerbread house. "Daddy! Stop eating all the gumdrops!" Your daughter exclaimed as Duff ate another one out of the big bowl on the table. "But they are so good babygirl," He jokingly whined. You giggle and steal an m&m from the bowl of them. "See mommy did it too," he tries to shift blame and points at you. Your daughter turns to you with a gasp, "Mommy! How could you!" She exclaims. "Says the little princess who ate half the icing before we even got the house up?" You jokingly fire back. She blushes and pouts as you and Duff break into laughter, she joins you after a moment.

Izzy: The twins and you were decorating gingerbread men as you waited for Izzy to get home from a band meeting. You heard the door open and the kids ran right to him. "Daddy! Daddy!" They exclaimed. "Well you'd you look at you little icing monsters," he laughed leaning down to hug them. "Welcome home love," you say coming up and kissing him. "Oh no! It's momma icing monster!" He fakes fear. You laugh and kiss him, getting icing on his face, "Now you are an icing monster too," you laugh. "Thank you love, now let's eat some of those delicious cookies I smell," He says and you all laugh before heading to the kitchen to do just that.

Steven: Steven and your daughter were decorating a gingerbread house as you were finishing dinner. You looked over and giggled at how messy they were. Steven had somehow managed to get icing on both of there hair while your daughter had candy all over the table and some on the floor. "Like father like daughter," You mused. You finished up the last thing before wiping your hands and walked over, "Alright you too looks like you both need a Christmas bath before dinner," you joked. "Look mommy! Isn't it pretty?!" Your daughter asks. "Absolutely beautiful love. Now go get ready for your bath," you say as you give her a kiss and send her to her room. Steven is smiling bigger than ever when you turn back around, "I love you baby girl," he says as he tries to hug you but you hold him back. "Oh no mister you need a bath too. So go on while I clean up hear and then we can all have a nice dinner," you give him a quick kiss to stop him pouting and send him on his way but not before hitting his but teasing. That made his smile return.
*closes book*
That was adorable.
And may I just say I am so sorry for the delay in stories. Dealing with finals had me so busy and stressed out but I'm back now. I probably won't be taking anymore requests for this series for this year just because I probably won't have them out in time but feel free to leave request for the new year because after I finish this I will be taking a break till January 1st but still request if you have one. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!!

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