What they get you for / do Valentines day

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Axl: being himself he would get you some fancy lingerie or expensive perfume. Either way you would definitely be having some fun that night 😉

Slash: Slash is a shy sweet baby so he would order pizza and get alcohol for the two of you and you would cuddle while you watch movies.

Duff: Since he is our favorite vodka slut, so you would either get drunk at home or go to a bar and after walk around town making out

Steven: He would shower you with unnecessary gifts, stuffed animals, chocolates, cards, and tones of kisses. You two would spend the day cuddling and watching cheesy romantic movies.

Izzy: since Izzy has a hard time being emotional, he would keep it simple. Flowers, a card, and small kisses throughout the day. He might even take you out to an 8Os themed diner

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