They take your V card

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Requested by: @Ledzepplingirl445

Axl: it was Valentine's Day and you wanted to surprise Axl. So you put on some lingerie and waited in your shared bedroom. "Babe, I'm home," he said happily. He goes to your bedroom to see you sitting on the bed, "Babe, what's all this?" He asks smiling sweetly. "I want to make today special, but I'm not sure how to start," you admit, blushing. He walks over and sits next to you, putting his arm around you, "Babe, I don't wanna rush you if you aren't ready," he says in a caring voice. "I want this too Axl, but.." you trail off. "Don't worry baby, I'll show you what to do," he says as he slowly kisses your neck.
(You can guess what happens 😉)
You were laying in Axl's arms, entangled in one another. "I love you Axl," you say smiling tiredly. "I love you too baby, I didn't hurt you too bad did I?" He asks, petting your hair. "I'm fine," you kiss his chest. You were so happy that you choose to save yourself for him. In the end, you knew he would love you forever.

Slash: You two were kissing on your couch at home. You wanted to take the next step in your relationship but you were scared, you had never done anything like that before. Slash's hands traveled farther down to your ass and squeezed it. You move his hand away and break the kiss, "Saul, can I tell you something?" You said shaking. You only used his real name when you were serious so he listened, "Of course babe, what is it?" He asks. "I've never done THAT before," you says lowering your head, embarrassed. "Aw babe, is that all it was? I thought you didn't like me or something," he said laughing a little. "Don't worry babe, I'll teach you," he says flipping you over and smirks. You were excited and in the end satisfied with what you had learned. 😉

Duff: You and Duff were both drunk at the time and don't remember what happened till in the morning. When you sit up you feel a pain in your lower region and the actions of last night come flooding back. "Good morning baby," Duff says tiredly. "Good morning," you say meekly. "Are you okay," he asks. He notices some blood on the sheets, "Oh are you?" He says meaning period. "No, um you kinda took my virginity last night," you say shyly. His eyes widen, "What? Babe I'm so sorry! Are you hurt? Did you even want to? Oh god," he freaks out. You manage to calm him down, "Duff, it's okay. I'm okay, and yes. If had had to give it to anyone, I'm glad it's you," you say reassuringly. You hold one another for a while before Duff pipes up, "I wish I could have made it more special for you," he says sighing. "It's okay," you laugh. "Well, how about I make next time even better," he says smiling. "I'm still kinda sore baby, but I promise there will be a next time," you wink and raise your pinky and so does he. You both keep your promises as well.

Izzy: You two were cuddling/ making out on his bed, his hands roamed all your clothed form. He goes to undo your pants but you stop him, "Izzy, I've never-" he interrupts you with a kiss. "I know baby, but I promise to be gentle and go as slowly as you need," you smile and continue to undress one another. Let's just say Izzy kept his promise and you couldn't have been happier

Steven: you two were playing truth or dare in your living room, "(Y/N) truth or dare?" He asks with his child like grin. "Truth," you say smiling. He thinks for a moment, "Are you a virgin?" He laughs, clearly saying it as a joke. You blush and look down sadly, causing him  to stop and worry. "Babe, are you ok?" He asks lifting your head. "Yes I am," you say not making eye contact. "What?" He asks. "Yes I'm a virgin, okay," you say turning. "Awe baby, that's okay. I don't care, I still love you," he says hugging you. "I know but I'm tired of being the only person I know that is a virgin," you say sighing. He lifts your chin so your eyes meet, "I can fix that," he kisses you deeply and you make love for the first time

(I need to make several apologies, 1) I'm so sore this is so late 2) I'm so sorry these are short with little sexual content I haven't been feeling it lately 3) I'm sorry for the other belated requestes, I love you all my rock brothers and sisters, keep being badass)

Guns N' Roses preferences Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora