30. You have a Family?

Start from the beginning

"Don't be, instead you should be sorry about your life. " He told me with a smirk causing me to look away.

One cannot have a nice conversation with this man, he needs to ruin it all the freaking time.

"Get out. " He mumbled after a few minutes and I looked at him in shock.

"What did I do now? Why are you again throwing me out of your car, in the middle of the road? " I asked in confusion causing him to look away with disinterest.

"We are outside my house. " He told me and that's when I looked in the front.

"Oh, but I have to get my things from my apartment. " How can I survive without them?

"It reached before you, now get out. " He informed before stepping out himself and I followed.

We headed towards the main door and found a woman standing on the doorstep.

Must be his masi.

"You finally did it. " She said proudly looking at Mr. Malhotra, who nodded.

"Don't get too comfortable, this is not your house, this is just a cage for you,  now get in. " I was shocked at her words and looked at Mr. Malhotra to find him looking down.

Too much love in the entrance itself. How do I prepare myself for this journey?

"You heard what she said." I stepped inside after his words and looked around.

" Who is hiding behind that pillar now?" I heard Mr. Malhotra asking with a glint of mischief and looked at the pillar but saw no one.


"Nobody. " There came a reply and a little smile came on my lips at the kid's words. How innocent!

"Really? " Mr. Malhotra asked playing along and took slow steps towards the pillar.

"Okay then, I'll just throw away the chocolates that I've got for Nakul because he's not here. " Mr. Malhotra said and again there was no reply.

Shaking his head, Mr. Malhotra went to the other side of the pillar.

"I thought you were excited to meet Mami. " Mr. Malhotra asked him and he peeked from the side at me, slightly.

I looked at Mr. Malhotra to find him signalling me to come inside and I walked towards them.

As I stood in front of the little cutie, I couldn't help but smile at how shyly he was standing there.

"Hi Nakul." I got on my knees to match his height and he looked at me slightly before looking down again.

"Hi. " He mumbled shyly and I looked at Mr. Malhotra to find him looking at Nakul with really soft eyes.

"I have something for you. " I told him and he looked at me.

"Really?" He asked curiously and I gave him a nod.

"What is it? " He asked and I opened my purse.

Thankfully I always carry a chocolate in my purse and now I can give it to him.

"Here. " I offered him the chocolate and his eyes lit up.

"My bribe for making you my friend. " I told him smiling and he grinned.

"Thank you Mami. " He thanked me after taking the chocolate.

" Friends? " I asked hesitatingly, forwarding my hand.

"Friends Mami." He replied shaking my hand. "Welcome home. " He welcomed me with a hug.

The only person who probably likes me in the house.

"Enough Nakul. Don't you have your assignment to finish? Go to your room. " Mr. Malhotra's Masi ordered and Nakul immediately left me.

He ran to his room and I stood up looking down.

"Where is she going to stay Manik? " She asked Manik and he looked at me.

"In my room Masi? " It was more like a question.

"Really? Are you seriously taking this dirt to your room? I can't believe this! First you broke Natasha's heart and married her and now you are taking her to your room. " She legit hates me even more than Mr. Malhotra.

"Where else will she go Masi? " Mr. Malhotra asked her and he looked like a saint in front of her.

"I prefer servant's quarter for her. " She suggested and I looked at Mr. Malhotra who gulped before looking at me.

"I want her in front of my eyes all the time Masi, this is exactly why I have married her, I want to see her cry, so she's staying with me in my room. " He told her, looking at me all the time.

"Whatever Manik! Anyways we are heading back to Australia tomorrow. " She announced and I somehow sighed in relief. This woman reminds me of Maleficent, which is horrifying.

But I wish I could spend more time with Nakul, we just became friends and he's the only person who likes me in here.

"But why Masi? " Mr. Malhotra asked with concern.

"Nakul's education is more important to me than any of these things and anyways, you might be willing to see her face everyday but I cannot see this dirt everyday. " Okay, so she has some really serious issues.

Please go!

"I wish you could stay longer. " He said lowly like a kid.

"We'll be back soon. Don't worry my child, I won't leave you with this shit alone for too long and this time I'll get Natasha with me too, the real girl worth being called your wife. And I hope you haven't forgotten your promise that 'this' news will not reach anyone outside. " She was referring to our so called marriage.

From the intensity with which she is calling me these names, I believe if she stays longer, she'll definitely stab me with a knife.

But wait, who is this Natasha now?


I hope you are liking the story so far.

But Manik's Masi hates Nandini more than Manik himself!


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