"You've heard rumors I'm not as strong as I used to be." Peter backfired. Suddenly his hand raised as he punched the support post, holding up the ceiling.

Lemony jumped back in panic, her fingers hovered over the ring on her finger, she was ready to defend herself. But Malia stood in front of her.

"Something like that." Malia sighed, handing back the file to her dad.

"I said you can't leave with it. I didn't say you couldn't read it." Peter admitted the loophole.

Malia took it back and began to read with Lemony stood beside her.

"By the way." Peter spoke up once more. "Why is Stilinski here?" He pointed to Lemony.

"She's with me." Malia spoke without her eyes leaving the file. "So you're gonna leave her be."

Peter put his hands up in defence. "Not a problem. I was just wondering."

"I'm not my brother." Lemony argued leaving Malia to look at the file. "He's obviously done things to piss you off, but I've done nothing."

Peter agreed and let them finish.

"You wanna talk about it? See a family counsellor?" Peter asked when the two girls finished reading.

"There's nothing in there." Malia went to give it back.

"Cost me a lot of money to get that file." Peter stood there arguing.

"You got ripped off." Lemony spoke up sassing Peter.

"You know what happens when you only hear one side of a story? You've only heard one side of the story." Peter defended.

"You murdered people. Not killed. Murdered." Malia was getting annoyed now.

"There were extenuating circumstances." Peter defended.

"Like what?" Malia asked.

"The fire?" Lemony realised, speaking up.

Peter nodded. "A fire that nearly burned me alive. Six years in a coma. Do you know what that's like for one of us? It's not a pleasant sleep. Imagine it. Being trapped in your body, but still being fully cognizant. Unable to do anything other than listen to your own thoughts slowly driving you absolutely and totally insane, minute-by-minute, day-by-day. Yes, I've done horrible, terrible things. And so have a lot of people. And horrible, terrible things are going to keep happening." He took a breath. "Especially when there's a dead pool with your name on it."

"But not yours." Malia lifted the dead pool she was now holding.

"True." Peter agreed. "But I am not The Benefactor. I'm just a guy who's out millions of dollars. A few thousand of which I used trying to help you."

Malia looked dumbfounded. "Me?"

"How does the bad guy prove that he's not so bad?" Peter asked the two girls, Lemony shrugged. "By doing an act of kindness."

"What could you ever do for us?" Malia asked, arms crossed over her chest.

"Help you find your mother." Peter explained, Malia froze. "I'm pretty interested myself as the memory was stolen from me by my sister, Talia."

"Okay. What did you find?" Malia asked.

"A woman, might be her." Peter guessed. "I don't have a name yet, just a particularly interesting alias. She's called The Desert Wolf. Do you know what that means?" He asked.

"Coyote." Malia and Lemony both answered.


Lemony and Malia made it back to the Stilinski house, it was dark now, and Malia refused to let Lemony walk home alone, feeling very protective of the girl next to her. Malia hadn't spoken to Stiles since she found out he'd lied to her, so she was nervous to return to the Stilinski house, but she had Lemony with her and that's all that mattered to her, besides Stiles was not too happy with Lemony at the moment either.

They walked through the front door, it was quiet in the house, hoping it meant no one was there, Lemony breathed a sigh of relief.

"Did you want to stay over?" She asked in a quiet shy voice. "Stay with me not Stiles of course, it's fine if you don't I understand, it's a little weird to stay in your ex's sister's bed, especially when he's in the next room-" Lemony would have stood there rambling forever if Malia hadn't stepped in.

"Lem- I was gonna say yes when you asked." Malia laughed. "You didn't need to ramble and make it weird."

Lemony shrugged with a smile, Malia made her way t the stairs, Lemony wondered where she was going.

"I'm gonna talk to Stiles." She explained. "He's upstairs. I'll meet you in your room?" She asked, Lemony nodded.

Malia was walking upstairs, which left Lemony alone downstairs. Taking in the peace around her for once, though she knew it wouldn't last long. She took a seat on the sofa and looked t her phone, in the reflection of the dark screen she saw herself and Allison, stood behind her.

"What's up Alli?" She asked putting her phone down and standing up to face her.

"I found it." Allison said, Lemony waited for her to elaborate. "I know why you were chosen by Hecate."

Lemony jumped closer to her. "Go on." She said.

Allison put her hands up to stop Lemony. "I don't think I should be the one to tell you."

"Well who?" Lemony asked, annoyed she'd got so close to the truth only to have the door shut on her.

"They will only tell you if you call Stiles down here." Allison explained.

"Specific but okay." Lemony shrugged but walked to the stairs. "Stiles!" She called. "Come down a minute."

Moments later Stiles was on the bottom step followed by Malia, he looked confused and interrupted.

"What's the matter?" He asked her, it was obvious he was still upset with her.

"I just need you here, hang on." Lemony said turning back to Allison. "What now?"

"Is this another ghost thing?" Stiles asked, I'm going back upstairs." He rolled his eyes and walked back to the stairs.

"Stiles please wait. They're going to tell me why I was chosen. But they wanted you here too." She explained.

"Let me guess." He started. "Allison again?"

Lemony looked at Allison, who just smiled at her. "Tell him, this spirit wants to talk to you both."

Malia walked round to Lemony and put a hand on her shoulder, with a comforting smile on her face.

"Allison is here but he said someone else wants to speak to both of us." Lemony sighed, arms hung low, shoulders drooped, she was giving up.

"Lemony hold his hand and open The Window to us." Allison explained.

Lemony stomped towards her brother and grabbed his hand and pulled him to the middle of the room. Her eyes had changed to their pitch black state.

"Lemony what are you doing?" Stiles asked, trying to get her to let go.

"You needed to hear this from someone else." Allison's voice broke Stiles' fighting, he looked at her.

"How can I see her?" He asked. But his question would go unanswered.

Now stood in front of them was a woman neither of them thought they'd see again. Fair skin dark eyes, black hair, a kind smile.

"Mum?" Stiles asked.

A/N: DUN DUN DUNN! Hope that was okay, wasn't sure where to go from the Hale vault bit, that's why the publishing stopped, but I got somewhere and I got to a cliffhanger which will hopefully give me the motivation to write more.

Anyway hope you liked the chapter sorry if it's shite.

Love Em x

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