Chapter 3 / Finger off

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Chapter 3 / Finger off

Yibo hadn't thought he'd sleep with him just two hours after he bought Zhan. He couldn't control himself anymore, he wanted to have the angel and he got him and he knew he would never let his angel go again. He now owned it and anyone who dared to touch his angel would have to die. No one else could touch his angel, he said to himself and he knew he would kill anyone who dared.

After he had cut Zhan's hair, he clothed him. He put on a black fluffy sweater and tight black jeans. Styled his hair a little more and looked at his possessions. "You look good. The color black suits you." He said and pulled Zhan towards him to kiss him. He would love to put him back in his bed and want to attack him immediately and, as he noticed, Zhan was not averse either, but he knew they were waiting for him to introduce his new possession to the others. 

He took Zhan by the hand and went down with him, where everyone was already waiting for them

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He took Zhan by the hand and went down with him, where everyone was already waiting for them. Yibo's mother put both hands on her mouth. "Oh my God. I can understand why you chose him. He's really beautiful." She said and walked up to them both. She wanted to touch Zhan but Yibo grabbed her by the wrist and pushed her hand away. "Get your hands off him!" He said and sparkled angrily at her. "I just wanted to touch his skin, it looks so soft." She said, "You don't touch him. No one but me is allowed to touch him, he belongs to me". Growled Yibo.

Yibo's father laughed. "Exactly, defend what belongs to you, no matter from whom." He said proudly. Yibo's brother Hai Kuan and his wife, who only bought themselves once, smiled. "You are number nine, aren't you?" Yue Fei, the wife of Hai Kuan, asked him. Zhan nodded and Yibo stared at him. "His name is Zhan, Xiao Zhan. Not number nine." He said to his brother's wife. "You know him?" Hai Kuan asked his wife. She nodded. "Yes, he was popular with all sellers because he is so good. Sometimes they let him sing for them. He has a beautiful voice." She said.

"Do you have any questions for us?" Wang Senior wanted to know. "What will be my task here and who exactly are you?" Zhan asked. "We are the Wang Triad and one of the biggest triads here in Beijing. And your task? Well, you'll marry our son and always be by his side." He explained and Zhan looked at Yibo. "We're getting married?" He asked him. "Yes we will, and already on this weekend." Yibo explained to him. "Oh OK." Said Zhan and gave him a smile. "Then let's eat now." Said Yibo's mother.

"Can you remember when you came to the merchant? So the first merchant?" Wang Senior wanted to know. Zhan shook his head. "I was told that when they found my mother she had been pregnant and just before she sold her, she gave birth to me. She gave me my name. I spent eight years with the trader. But when she died, I was sold on and on." Explained Zhan. "And why did the seller say you are untamed? I mean when I see you here like this, you are very calm." Wang Senior asked.

"Untamed because no one ever forced or had to force me to do anything. My first salesgirl taught me to adapt and listen to what I was told, so I had no problems." Zhan replied. "Have you learned anything?" Asked Yibo's mother. "We had teachers who came to us and taught us. And when I was nine years old I came to a salesman who taught me how to shoot and fight". Explained Zhan. "So you can handle a weapon and defend yourself. That's good." She said.

"I can handle pretty much any weapon. And I know Taekwondo very well." Said Zhan and Yibo smiled. It had become clear to him that Zhan had slept with him of his own free will. Because someone with his abilities, he could not have forced. After dinner Yibo went outside with Zhan and showed him her property. He went with him to the garden and switched on the lights. "Beautiful." Said Zhan with a broad smile. Yibo pulled him towards him and looked him in the eyes. "Indeed, beautiful." He said and kissed Zhan.

"Why did you sleep with me? You don't know me and on top of that, I bought you in a human trafficker market." Yibo wanted to know. "I don't know. I wanted it. You really, really look very handsome and your eyes are so beautiful. Maybe I like you." Said Zhan and stroked Yibo's cheek. "Will you marry me voluntarily?" Yibo asked with a beating heart. "Well, actually I have no other choice. But if I have to marry someone, it's you. So yes, voluntarily." Zhan replied and Yibo was satisfied with the answer.

They went back up to Yibo's room. "This is our room now. Tomorrow we will buy you clothes to wear. And someday we'll have our own house." He explained to Zhan. Zhan went to the CD shelf and picked out one of the CDs. "I know that, can we play it?" He asked Yibo. Yibo took the CD and put it in the system and pressed play. The song started and Zhan sang it along. Yibo's heart was beating wildly when he heard Zhan singing. There was a knock at Yibo's door and when Yibo opened the door his father with his wife and brother stood there. "Who sings so beautifully here?" They asked at the same time and Yibo pointed to Zhan.

After Zhan had sung three songs for them, they left Zhan and Yibo alone again. Yibo would not have endured them any longer, he wanted to be alone with Zhan, he wanted to have him alone. He wanted Zhan to sing just for him. Yibo locked his room door and turned off the light, so that only his small lamp on the bedside table shone. "Come here Zhan." He said to him. Zhan went to him and stopped in front of him. Yibo stood up, put both hands on the back of Zhan's head and kissed Zhan. He grabbed Zhan's ass and kneaded him. "Do you think we could do it again?" He asked Zhan. Zhan smiled and nodded.

 Zhan smiled and nodded

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