Chapter 27 Zhan / Well, in that case...

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Chapter 27 Zhan / Well, in that case...

Zhan was back home and back with his husband whom he had missed so much. In the first week both of them hardly got out of bed, well, Yibo explained to Zhan that he had 3 months to catch up on and not planning to rest until he had reached his goal. But after only one week the fun was over, Yibo was told by his uncle to get back to business and from then on, he and Zhan mostly saw each other only for breakfast or for sleeping. Most of the time Yibo was so tired that he often couldn't even manage to wish Zhan a good night.

This had been going on for a little over a month now and slowly Zhan's frustration began to spread. After that week, not only did they not have sex anymore, they hardly talked anymore. And a few days before that, Zhan and Yibo also had a big fight. Zhan wanted to know from Yibo how the work was and if there was anything he wanted to talk to him about, Yibo made it clear to him that his uncle had told him to stop telling Zhan, a special agent, everything. "I don't understand, what does that mean?" Wanted to know Zhan and Yibo glared at him angrily. "That means I won't tell any government officials how the business is going." He said bitter, and that started a fight.

In the end, while Yibo continued to explain to him how bad it was to have a special agent as a husband and therefore not to be able to confide in him, Zhan got dressed and then without another word went downstairs to his car and drove to his apartment to spend the night. Yibo had not even tried to contact Zhan and Zhan himself, had no desire to contact Yibo. Instead, he met Yu Bin in a bar and talked his frustration away. "But funny thing is. Yibo never had a problem telling you everything and was even proud to have a special agent for a husband and now he doesn't trust you anymore?" Explained Yu Bin after listening to everything.

"So what are you gonna do now? Shouldn't you try talking again?" Yu Bin wanted to know and Zhan nodded. "I think we should do this. The question is, when? And if he even wants to talk." He said, tapping on the display of his phone. "I've been gone four days now and Yibo hasn't even tried to write or call." Explained Zhan to him. Yu Bin was speechless. "By the way, we got a new assignment. It's dragging on a bit. Any suggestions on who I can send?" Asked Yu Bin to change the subject. Zhan shook his head. "Without knowing what it's about, I can't propose anyone to you." He said.

The next day, Zhan went to the headquarters office to get the information and data on the new case of Yu Bin. "There aren't many people here who can do that, I mean it's field work, everybody's got that, but then there's the undercover story. You must be an heartless ass to infiltrate a scumbag like this." Explained Zhan and continued to read the information on the target. "And here, he prefers men, which excludes 100% of the women here and 90% of the men here at HQ." Zhan said. "It is unclear if the target is also involved in the human trafficking ring's business. "It indicates the target has not yet become active in any of his father's businesses." Read Zhan.

"After graduating in art and design, 27-year-old Andy Lee worked in a museum and gallery. Until now, Andy Lee had rarely had contact with his father and stayed away from the business of human trafficking. His father is accused of trafficking in people, kidnapping and murder in several cases, as well as rape and extortion. Many more offences are assumed, but these are the worst yet. For almost three weeks Andy Lee has now been with his father almost every day and has been recognized in at least two cases as one of the attackers in an attempted kidnapping case. Wow, so his father got him around in one way or another, or he's involved in another way." Said Zhan after reading the text.

Yu Bin agreed with him. "That's what he wanted us to find out, but as you've noticed, not many are eligible." He said thoughtfully. "OK, I think this case is really interesting. I'll talk to Yibo and if he gives the okay, I'll take the case." Said Zhan seriously. "You realize you may have to get close to Andy Lee, don't you?" Asked Yu Bin, who subtly wanted to remind Zhan of his marriage to Yibo. "I know this and you know me, I have my methods to prevent this I'll go and talk to Yibo, then I'll write to you." Explained Zhan and set off.

Zhan had to wait until shortly after midnight before Yibo came home. And the way his look was when he saw Zhan, he didn't seem to have expected to see Zhan, nor did he seem to have waited for him. "You're back." Said Yibo simple to Zhan and went to the bathroom to shower. Zhan was angry again and wanted to yell at him. He just left him standing there and went to shower, what kind of way was that? When Yibo came out of the shower, he went to the bed and lay down. "Yibo, before you go to sleep, I wanted to tell you there's a new assignment and I'd like to take it." Said Zhan calmly. "So?" Asked Yibo coldly. "I wanted to know if it's OK with you?" He said.

Yibo sat up and looked at Zhan with tired and irritated eyes. "I don't know what this case is, but if you ask me if it's OK with me, it must be something that might last longer." He said. Zhan nodded. "Yeah, maybe, it's an undercover assignment." Explained Zhan and expected a reaction from Yibo. "Well, in that case... have fun." Said Yibo and Zhan looked at his husband stunned. "Don't you care?" Zhan wanted to know. "Ah, you're a grown man, older than me, you can take care of yourself, Special Agent. Don't let me stop you." Yibo replied coolly, lay down in bed and turned around so that Zhan could only see the back of his head. "Well, in that case, I'm leaving. Well, goodbye." Said Zhan and left the room and shortly after that the house.

" Said Zhan and left the room and shortly after that the house

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