Chapter 24 / Yibo Nice to hear your voice

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Chapter 24 / Yibo Nice to hear your voice

Yibo stubbornly continued his own mission, distracting by beating up criminals. Every now and then Yu Bin called him and he could see his Zhan on a mission. But this happened perhaps once a week, even though Zhan must surely have been on a mission every two days. Yibo was still angry and the more time passed the more frustrated he became. It wasn't enough for him to just watch the recordings, he wanted to be able to talk to Zhan again, see him live and hear him. He missed Zhan terribly.

He had just caught another criminal and punished him in his own way when his phone rang. It was his mother-in-law who called him and asked him to come to headquarters. Yibo wondered if something had happened because his mother-in-law had never called him and asked him to come somewhere. His heart felt heavy and with his head full of crazy fantasies, he set off for the headquarters. When he got there, he realized he wasn't the only one there. Also a woman who introduced herself as the fiancée of this traitor Jiang Cheng was there and his parents.

They were led into a control room that Yibo had never seen before. Monitors and switches everywhere. "What are we doing here?" Yibo asked his mother-in-law. "Listen first and maybe talk later?" She said and handed Yibo a headset. Out of the corner of his eye Yibo saw a video of a mission Zhan had. "He's been shot?" Asked Yibo shocked, looking at the video. "Just a graze, he's fine." She said to Yibo.

Yibo wanted to say something about it, but then a live video appeared before him. "ZhanZhan?" He asked his mother-in-law. She nodded. "It's daylight now and they've just passed a few booby traps. Right now they're making small talk." Explained his mother-in-law. Yibo shivered at the thought that they were booby-trapped. "What about the Humvee?" He asked when he saw they didn't have their car. "It broke down. And they can't wait for a replacement. They're heading east now. There was a shooting last night and that's why they're heading that way now." Said one of the agents in the room.

"How is it that we can see her like this?" Asked Jiang Cheng's fiancee. Yibo turned to her. "It's a drone." He said, no understanding. Didn't Zhan tell him she works at headquarters in Shanghai? Then how come she didn't know there was such a thing? "Okay, we're ready." Said Yibo's mother-in-law into the microphone in front of her and on the monitor Yibo could see all they turns and waving to the drone. Suddenly everyone started singing. "You are my Sunshine, my only Sunshine..." Yibo opened his eyes wide and Jiang Cheng's parents fought with tears.

"ZhanZhan..." Yibo spoke softly into the microphones. "Hi, baby." Said Zhan and Yibo smiled. Zoey and Jiang Cheng's parents also suddenly spoke out. "ZhanZhan, I miss you terribly." Said Yibo in tears. "I miss you too, my love. We are making an effort to get home soon. I promise." Zhan replied. "You were shot, you promised me you'd come back safe and sound and in one piece." Said Yibo worried. "It's OK, sweetheart, it was just a graze." Zhan explained to him and the camera zoomed closer to the men.

Yibo could clearly see Zhan's face and touched the screen. "Nice to hear your voice." Said Zhan and Yibo nodded. "Good to see you and hear you." Replied Yibo and stroked Zhan's face on the monitor. "Sorry we don't have much time to talk, but I'm glad we were given the chance at all." Zhan said. "I hope you get home soon. Imagine I found a buddy and he just disappeared, one minute he was there, and then bam, he was gone." Said Yibo, passing on his message to Zhan.

Zhan grinned as Yibo could see and his heart began to flutter. "What an evil buddy. He does not deserve your friendship. I'm sure he's a very bad guy." Said Zhan and Yibo could see his mother-in-law refrain from laughing. "Are you going to be good?" Asked Zhan and Yibo laughed. "No, you know me. I'll keep making waves until you come home." He said, and Zhan laughed. "Yes, that's my husband. But please be careful! I don't want any scratches on you when I come back, okay?" Zhan replied and Yibo beamed. "Promised ZhanZhan. Love you and miss you dearly." He said.

Zhan's mother stroked Yibo over her shoulder. "Ah honey, I love and miss you too. Cross your fingers that we can complete our mission soon, preferably tonight." Told Zhan and Yibo promised him. "ZhanZhan what's that there?" Asked Yibo and stared at a certain point. Zhan turned around and shook his head. "You better not be watching this, honey! You better look at me." Zhan replied, but Yibo had long since realized that it was dead people lying there. "Be careful! Do not do anything rash! I don't want you lying there like that. Understand?" Yibo said. "Got it. I promise." Zhan replied.

"Half a minute more." Said the agent in the room. "ZhanZhan I love, love, love you and send you a thousand kisses. Come home soon." Said Yibo and then the connection broke. "Damn satellite." Said Jiang Cheng's father. Zhan's mother hugged Yibo. "I'm sure he'll be home soon. Oh, and thanks for ridding us of He Peng." She said to Yibo and he looked at her with big eyes and nodded. Later in a restaurant where she invited him to dinner, she told Yibo what kind of person He Peng was. Yibo told her that, after they had worked on He Peng he had a little bit an embellished face, and his uncle buried him alive. Zhan's mother laughed. "That's what he deserved, that pig. Actually, he was planning to dump Jiang Cheng as a toy and keep an eye on Zhan." She said and Yibo sparkled at her with sinister face.

"He wanted my ZhanZhan? Too bad I didn't know that sooner!" He said, clenching his fists. After dinner with his mother-in-law Yibo went home, he was tired, tired like he hadn't been for a long time. The conversation with Zhan, even though they didn't say much, was like a miracle cure for him and seeing him smile did his soul good. As long as ZhanZhan was still smiling he was fine, he thought and put his motorcycle in the garage. He ran upstairs to his room, took a shower and then fell like a stone into bed and fell asleep immediately.

 He ran upstairs to his room, took a shower and then fell like a stone into bed and fell asleep immediately

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