Chapter 15 / Zhan Who are you really?

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Chapter 15 / Zhan Who are you really?

Yibo was lying in bed with Zhan in his arms, staring at the ceiling. "Hey Zhan, who are you really? I mean, you never told me anything about yourself. ...nothing about who you really are." Said Yibo. "What do you want to know?" Zhan asked him. "Anything, anything at all. Who are your parents? Do you have any brothers or sisters? How did you grow up? You know everything about me, now it's time I know everything about you too." Explained Yibo. Zhan understood Yibo and began to talk about himself.

"I grew up with my parents in a small suburb near Shanghai. In the agency there are 6 big bosses, two of them are my parents. I have no brothers or sisters because my parents thought one child was enough. Until I was six years old, I grew up like any other child. From the age of six, I learned to handle all kinds of weapons. I had to learn Taekwondo and my parents let me study theories about older cases and I had to tell them my own opinion on how to solve the case faster and more effectively, and every morning I received a riddle that I had to solve within 24 hours, of course without any tools".

"It was not a normal parent-child relationship, they were far too much agents for that and they treated me more like their apprentice. I was not allowed to make friends with others until my parents had checked their whole background. One of my best friends, you won't believe it, was Jiang Cheng. His parents seem to be like two loving and concerned parents who wouldn't hurt a fly, but in reality they are thoroughbred agents as you rarely see them. He learned everything from his parents and if Jiang Cheng does anything, it's never without a good reason."

"We grew up together and were close friends. But when, rather by chance, I managed to catch one of the biggest criminals of the time, and that was only because of a riddle my parents had told me, he started to avoid me. When I was recruited by the agency at the age of 18, he broke off contact with me completely. I assume he was angry because, unlike me, it had always been his dream to become a Special Agent. He only joined the agency two years later and although he has an extraordinary and great talent, he has been nothing but He Peng's toy for two years. Although I rather think there's a good reason for that." Explained Zhan.

"When did you have your first boyfriend?" Yibo wanted to know. "I first had a girlfriend, I was with her for a little over a year, I was 15 years old when we got together. I had my first boyfriend when I was 17, but it didn't last very long, we were just too different. And through my job, well, I guess I don't have much to say about that." Zhan replied. "So you like men and women?" Asked Yibo Alert. "Yeah, I know. But don't worry, I'm only interested in you. Zhan answered and winked at Yibo. "Good to know." Said Yibo relieved.

"So your parents know about us?" Yibo wanted to know. Zhan nodded. "Of course, there's nothing they don't know and no, they don't say anything about it or against us." Explained Zhan. "Will you take another assignment where you have to sleep with other people?" Asked Yibo nervously. Zhan looked Yibo in the eyes and laughed. "No, things are different now. One, I have you, and two, how would I explain the scar from the gunshot wound?" He asked Yibo. Yibo's guilty conscience was about to spread again when Zhan gave him a kiss. "Think no more about it, we have put this behind us. OK?" Said Zhan to appease Yibo.

"How would you like to meet my parents sometime soon?" Zhan wanted to know about Yibo. He looked at Zhan nervously, but nodded anyway. Zhan wrote a message to his parents suggesting that they get to know Yibo and promptly received a reply. "We expect you for lunch tomorrow." Yibo was horrified, because he had not thought that this would happen so quickly. "Don't worry, they won't hold an interrogation." Said Zhan and winked at Yibo.

3 Per POV / Jiang Cheng 

After a long evening with He Peng, Jiang Cheng returned home with a guilty conscience. Only a few days ago Jiang Cheng realized that Zoey could hear him and He Peng every time they did it again in the office. He found out when he stood in front of the office door and heard He Peng with another agent. Not that it bothered him when He Peng was doing it with someone else, it bothered him that Zoey had to hear everything. Because even though he wouldn't admit it, he liked Zoey.

He didn't love her or He Peng and would never love one of them, because He Peng was nothing more than a well-paid mission for him, but he didn't want to hurt her. His heart had been filled to the brim with one person for many years. He loved this person all his life and could not imagine ever loving anyone else but him. Unfortunately this love was one-sided and that hurt him immensely. At some point, when he was ready to at least confess what he was feeling to the person, he learned of the arranged marriage.

He never thought that one day he would have to enter into an arranged marriage with Zoey of all people. Who, she seemed to him, was more into women than men. Well, at least they had that in common. Jiang Cheng could never be interested in women, even when he tried as a teenager. He felt nothing. But whenever he saw him, his best friend, he would like nothing more than to kiss him, hold him in his arms and never let go. When his best friend entered the Agency Academy before him, he felt that something had been taken away from him.

He let his anger and rage out on him of all people and broke off contact. When he learned that his best friend had been shot and was in a coma, he did everything to make He Peng interfere and he even became a traitor. He met with the husband of his best friend and told him that he didn't die. Although he had accepted money for this and other information, he would have told him for free. He just wanted someone to bring his best friend home and to the man he loved.

Even if this meant that he had to sleep with He Peng again for that. For Xiao Zhan, he would do anything. He entered the apartment and Zoey gave him that look of contempt again. He knew that she hated him and he could understand it well. And if he had his way, he would call off the engagement and they would both finally be free. He sat down in the armchair opposite her and tried to smile. Why wasn't he allowed to tell her that he didn't want to sleep with He Peng? Why couldn't he just tell her that the other big 5 bosses wanted to catch him and get rid of him?

 Why wasn't he allowed to tell her that he didn't want to sleep with He Peng? Why couldn't he just tell her that the other big 5 bosses wanted to catch him and get rid of him?

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Oh, my Agent!  [YiZhan/ZhanYi FF (versatile)]✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora