Chapter 37 / Yibo - But I cannot wait

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Chapter 37 / Yibo - But I cannot wait

Yibo and Zhan have been working together for a few weeks now, Zhan has been chosen as Yibo's trainer and Chuyue, who was supposed to help, is now working on another case. Today Zhan and Yibo finally have a day off. Not that Yibo doesn't enjoy working as an agent, to be honest, he actually enjoyed it a lot, but this was work. He was looking forward to the day off with his Zhan, because now Zhan was not his superior but his partner. Yibo still didn't like the word "boyfriend" because he didn't see Zhan only as his boyfriend. For him he was and remained his husband and he hoped that the four months would pass quickly, that he would pass the agent's exam and finally be able to marry Zhan.

After breakfast Yibo and Zhan went to town, first they went shopping and then they went together to a cozy cafe where they met Zhan's parents. The giant had allowed Zhan to get in touch with his family again and so they met there, talked, drank coffee and ate a piece of strawberry cake. Afterwards Zhan and Yibo went for a walk in the park. Apart from them, there were not many people around, probably because most of them would be working now. They sat down on a bench, which was a bit off the beaten track and protected by high bushes that had probably been pruned recently. Yibo pulled Zhan onto his lap, they kissed passionately and soon Yibo's pants became very tight.

"Zhan, ah, I think we should go somewhere where nobody can see us." Explained Yibo, looking at the bump in his pants. Zhan tilted his head. "Where are you going? To a hotel?" Asked Zhan. Yibo shook his head. "I can't wait any longer, let's find a place here somewhere Zhan, please" Yibo replied. He got up, lifted Zhan and carried him to a nearby bush that seemed good enough for him. "Oi, don't say you really want to go into the bushes." Asked Zhan shocked. Yibo nodded, carried Zhan into the middle of the green and thick thicket and turned Zhan off.

He just couldn't take it anymore, he stood behind Zhan, opened Zhan's pants, pulled them down a little bit, just as far as his bottom was free, and took some of the hand cream he had in his jacket pocket. He smeared it on Zhan's butt at the entrance and put a condom on, which he always had with him in case of emergency. He often had this kind of emergency because whenever he and Zhan devoted a little time to each other, whether they kissed or just touched, his body reacted promptly to Zhan. And it wouldn't be good if they did it and he came into Zhan and they didn't have a chance to clean themselves. So he always carried at least one condom with him.

He took Zhan in place and because he was so sharp, it didn't take long for Yibo to come. Zhan, however, was not finished yet, so Yibo got down on his knees in front of him and helped with his mouth. As they both left the bushes, two men came up to them and asked them what they had done in there. Zhan smiled cheekily, showed them his ID and explained that he and his partner had been following up a lead. The two men turned red, apologized and bowed and left as quickly as they could. Another advantage of being an agent that Yibo appreciated.

Yibo and Zhan had spoken at length the night before. They liked the idea with the Guardian Triad and they would like to take over this task, but also agreed not to be dictated by any agency. So all they had to do was play their games for a while. Until they would be trusted enough and they found a way to get rid of the agency! However, they also told themselves to use a triad as guards, may sound nice, but it would probably fail. If only if you consider who belonged to a Triad. These are no trained bodyguards, they are real criminals who don't even shy away from murder.

And the word guard simply reminded Yibo of a neighbourhood watch. The thought of them walking through the streets of Beijing and protecting the residents might sound romantic. But in reality, Yibo thought it was complete nonsense. So he liked Zhan's idea of starting his own security company with trained staff more. However, they were not ready yet, nor did they have to be patient. Besides, Yibo also had his own plans. They might not mean much to others, but they meant everything to him. He had to become a Black Agent, because only then would he be able to marry Zhan. For him, at least for now, this was his highest goal.

And then there was this one, but very big, secret that he kept. He could not tell Zhan anything yet, because he had not found him yet. He was still looking for him, that bastard, that pig He Peng. For contrary to what his uncle had said, He Peng had not been buried alive. He was still out there and Yibo had to find him. He had to find him at all costs because this pig wanted his Zhan, this pig raped several of his young agents, this pig did not deserve to live. And only when he knew where he was hiding, where his uncle was hiding him, would he tell Zhan about it and send him once and for all to hell where he belonged.

That evening, when the two of them were back in this big estate, which was now Yibo's home, they sat down in front of the TV in their room after a shower together and watched a show on Netflix. They lay down on the sofa, Zhan was lying on Yibo and was about to fall asleep. Yibo reached under the pillow and pulled out a small white box and placed it on Zhan's chest. Zhan took the box in his hand and opened it.

"ZhanZhan, I know we have to wait. Nevertheless, I would be happy if we at least wear a ring as a sign of our love. "And proof that we will soon be married. It's driving me crazy that we're not married anymore. It makes me sad that we are no longer wearing rings and I think it is terrible to call you just "boyfriend". I love you so much, so would you allow me to put this engagement ring on you?" Said and asked Yibo. Zhan smiled and nodded. "Of course I'll let you do this. You know I also look forward to the day when we are husbands again. You know I love you more than anything. So, yes, absolutely. Let's wear rings." Zhan said.

Ah, I hope the next chapters will be more interesting

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Ah, I hope the next chapters will be more interesting. Unfortunately, as I wrote in the previous chapter, I forgot what I wanted to write.

Oh, my Agent!  [YiZhan/ZhanYi FF (versatile)]✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя