Chapter 29 / Zhan - Welcome to the Black Agents.

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Chapter 29 / Zhan - Welcome to the Black Agents.

Zhan was sitting in the office of his new partner Peng Chuyue. When Xiao Zhan first heard about the Black Agents, he had just finished his training as a Special Agent. It was always said that this agency was one of the best in the world and that they would only take the best. And all of it was rumors. Zhan always knew he was good at his job, but always believed he would never be good enough to see any of these Black Agents. And yet, two weeks ago, that agent was at his door. For Zhan, who felt like a child on Christmas morning, it was a great honor to meet one of these agents.

 For Zhan, who felt like a child on Christmas morning, it was a great honor to meet one of these agents

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He invited the agent to his apartment and did not wait long to ask why the agent was with him. The agent showed him a pile of papers and Zhan couldn't hide his shock when he saw that these were divorce papers, fully signed by Yibo. "I took the liberty of breaking up your marriage. Well, technically it's annulment, isn't it? I did this after I was informed that Wang Yibo wanted a divorce from you. But to be honest, without your mission, you probably never would have married." Said Special Agent Peng Chuyue.

Zhan wanted to say something, but was immediately stopped. "I want you as my partner! I've been watching you for four years now and I think you're perfect. OK, you forgot your mission when you got together with Wang Yibo, which I really don't like, nobody likes that, but mistakes happen. Fact is, after I learned from my informant that Wang Yibo wants a divorce, I decided not to be idle. And I've applied to my superior to get you as a partner and he immediately agreed an No is not accepted!" Explained Chuyue to him and Zhan did not know what to say or think anymore.

"Starting tomorrow, whether you like it or not, you're a Black Agent. And you are my new partner! Of course there's more you need to know. Currently, someone is placing your resignation on your superior's desk. Within the next few days all information about you, wherever it is, will be found and erased. You will have to move, but don't worry, the Black Agency will take care of everything. Unfortunately you are not allowed to contact your relatives and tell them where you are, but I think you will understand. After all, we are a secret agency whose agents never existed after they were erased." Said Chuyue and Zhan was simply speechless.

How could he get into this situation? Of course there had been rumors about the Black Agency for a long time, he himself heard about them and was very interested, but at some point he thought it was just talk. And now he was sitting opposite one of these agents and this one would be his partner in the morning? He would have to give up his life and they would make sure that everything would disappear from him? No one could prove he ever existed? He felt like in a bad movie that is so bad that he is already good again, or in an absolutely strange fan fiction. He wasn't even given enough time to mourn the end of his marriage, because Zhan had to pack some things right away and was immediately escorted by two other agents.

She took him to a huge estate and told him that from now on this was his home as well. The one was him and Chuyue. He had to sign several forms, fingerprints here and there and hand them in. And a designer took his measurements, a hairdresser gave him a new haircut and all that within one day. In the evening when he was lying in his bed he didn't even have the strength anymore to think about that crazy day. As soon as he was lying in his new home, in his new room and in his new bed, his eyes closed and he fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

When the alarm clock rang in the morning, he had the feeling he hadn't slept at all. He couldn't even remember falling asleep at all. His body felt heavy and tired and it took him a while to realize where he was and how he got there. After a rather lukewarm shower, cold was too much for him after all, he got dressed and then went downstairs to the kitchen. Luckily he had memorized this route, he thought as he walked down the long stairs and then smelled with a growling stomach, the smell of fresh coffee and freshly baked bread and rolls.

"You're just in time, partner. Breakfast is ready." Chuyue greeted him with a broad smile. Zhan nodded and sat down in the place Chuyue showed him. Zhan ate his breakfast in silence, which he thought was the most delicious breakfast he had ever eaten. He had many questions, but didn't ask a single one, so it didn't seem important to him to ask one of his questions now. And the only thing he was really interested in was, did Yibo really want to get rid of him? "Yeah, he really wanted a divorce, he signed the papers himself." Said Chuyue and Zhan looked at him startled. "No I can't read minds, but I can guess what's bothering you. I think yesterday was all a bit too much for one day." Explained Chuyue to him.

"Will I ever be able to contact my parents again?" Zhan asked his new partner. Chuyue looked at him thoughtfully. "Maybe, I don't know. Your parents aren't just people, maybe you'll be allowed to some day." Said Chuyue and Zhan could see that it was unlikely, but he accepted the answer of his new partner. "Do you have any other questions?" Chuyue wanted to know about him. Of course Zhan had several more questions, but he forgot each one right after Chuyue asked him.

Even now, two weeks later and in his partner's office, there were still many open questions for Zhan, some he answered himself, others were answered by his new supervisor, but many were still open and would, as Zhan believed, remain unanswered forever. Today they received their first mission and Zhan was happy to finally be able to work. Distracting himself from everything and doing something was the only thing that could keep him from thinking about Yibo. Especially now that he was even forbidden to look for him in the database from time to time. Chuyue smiles at Zhan and said... "Welcome to the black Agents".

 "Welcome to the black Agents"

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