Chapter 19 / Zhan I come back in one piece

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Chapter 19 / Zhan I come back in one piece

Zhan was about to enter the house of Yibo's uncle when he received an emergency code over his phone. Yibo looked at Zhan confused when he saw the numbers. "What does it mean?" He wanted to know about Zhan. "One or more agents in mortal danger!" Said Zhan and called headquarters. Meanwhile Yibo had entered the house with his uncle. Zhan followed them after ten minutes and the look on his face said nothing good for Yibo. "Now what?" He asked and his eyes darkened. "I must go Yibo. I have a new assignment and it is not yet clear how long it will take. Apparently two agents have fallen into a trap and now their lives are in danger. I must go there." Explained Zhan.

Zhan could see the loving one disappearing from Yibo's eyes. "Why you? Are you the only agent they have? And you wanted to help me, remember? What about you and me?" Asked Yibo angrily. He hit the table with his fist. "Wow a real Wang. I don't think you're cut out to be an agent. You'd better get your Husband into the Triad. He can be a great asshole too." Said Yibo's uncle and Yibo looked at him as if he had given him a revelation. "So when do you have to go?" Asked Yibo and sparkled angrily at Zhan. "In a minute, they're sending a helicopter to pick me up." Said Zhan and Yibo's eyes widened.

"Right now? Are you kidding me? We don't even have time to say goodbye?" Yibo wanted to know and looked like he was about to freak out. Zhan took Yibo in his arms and could have sworn to feel the Dark Aura building around Yibo. "Will you call me every day?" Asked Yibo and Zhan wanted to hide the answer from him but he had to confess it to Yibo. "I can't do that on a mission." He said, and Yibo's gaze became something that Zhan would call devilish. Had he looked like this when he thought Zhan was dead and later when he asked for his husband to be brought back?

Zhan ran coldly down his back when he saw Yibo's gaze. "You'd better hurry back, or I don't know what will happen." Said Yibo when they left the house. "Yibo dear, listen carefully. No matter what happens, you must promise to stay calm. I will make sure I can get back to you as soon as possible and in one piece. I promise you that. I love you and I'll be back, okay?" Zhan replied and Yibo nodded with a scowl. When the helicopter had arrived and landed in the open space in front of Yibo Uncle's house, Yibo walked next to Zhan and held his hand.

Yibo saw another agent and grabbed him by the collar. "If you do not bring back my husband soon and in good health, you will die. Is that clear? And make that clear to your colleagues too! No one is to come back without my husband." he hissed at the agent. "Copy that." This one replied. Zhan hugged Yibo one last time and tried to get into the helicopter, but Yibo held him by the wrist. "Don't make me wait too long." He said, pressing his lips to Zhan's. "And above all, remember to whom you belong! Don't you dare betray me!" Said Yibo and kissed Zhan one last time.

This Yibo was indeed very scary, as Zhan thought. The helicopter took off. Zhan looked for a long time at the place where Yibo stood and watched him. He wrote one last message to Yibo before he handed in his phone. "I love you so much, be good and wait for me. Don't do anything stupid, my darling." He wrote to Yibo. He couldn't even wait for an answer, had to turn off his phone and got another one in return. They flew to a warehouse where two more agents were already waiting. "Xiao Zhan, there you are at last. The boss said you'd be heading up the mission. Oh, and look, they assigned us a Korean agent." Said Jiang Cheng, who was also involved.

Zhan greeted Jiang Cheng with a handshake, they had not been friends for a long time and had not seen each other for years. Moreover, he was the toy of the disgusting He Peng, as Zhan learned. He greeted the other agent whom he also knew, he already had the pleasure to work with him twice. "Park Hae Jin, glad you're here. Now I'm sure I'll get home safely." He said, hugging the other agent. "Long time ago, my friend. Hope all goes well." Hae Jin replied.

Zhan had already been informed that one of the agents who had been captured was a Korean and already suspected that he would be involved with Hae Jin again. "Is it your partner? I mean the hostage?" Zhan asked and Hae Jin nodded. Zhan knew that Park Seo Joon wasn't just a partner for Hae Jin, the two had been a couple for a long time and when their headquarters found out, they separated the two. Allegedly, because they would only distract each other, yet both worked perfectly together.

All four agents, Ling Man, Jiang Cheng, Park Hae Jin and Zhan had been fully equipped. When they were trained as agents, they also had to join the military and received special training, which normally only elite soldiers received. And they had saved their asses more than once. Zhan was glad that Ling Man was there, he was one of the best when it came to infiltration. His perceptiveness was enviable. A quick glance was enough and he could grasp the whole situation. "Ah before I forget, my new partner is already waiting for us at the site." Said Hae Jin and Zhan already knew who he was talking about. Lee Seung Gi was no stranger to Zhan either and he too was an exceptional talent as an agent.

"So many high ranked senior agents for two other agents?" Asked Jiang Cheng and thus threw into the room the question that everyone secretly asked himself. Why hadn't they just sent in a special military unit? I guess this means we'll continue their mission." Ling Man replied thoughtfully. "What did they do last? Does anyone know?" Asked Jiang Cheng. "They were looking for the head of a terrorist cell." Zhan replied, automatically thinking of his husband. He had never seen Yibo like this before and he was quite capable of spreading terror and fear. Zhan was very sure of that.

Before they entered the plane, all their personal belongings were put into small boxes. It was hard for Zhan to take off his wedding ring and the necklace he had recently received from Yibo, but he did it because that was part of the deal. Even though he did it with a guilty conscience. Zhan saw Jiang Cheng take off a necklace and shake. "Fuck you He Peng." he murmured and threw the chain into the box. Zhan looked at him questioningly and Jiang Cheng pointed his finger in his mouth and made choking sounds. This made Zhan think about what was really going on between Jiang Cheng and He Peng.

 This made Zhan think about what was really going on between Jiang Cheng and He Peng

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