Chapter 6 / Betrayal

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Chapter 6 / Betrayal

They had already been married for two months and Zhan found it harder and harder not to put his feelings above his work. After their wedding, a joyless and rather businesslike ceremony, Yibo had confessed his feelings to him. They were lying in bed and there it burst out of Yibo, from now on immediately and without warning. "ZhanZhan, I love you." Zhan felt happy in that moment and replied, "I love you too Yibo." It wasn't a lie. But just seconds later, he remembered why he was there and that the Agency should never know what he really felt for Yibo. They would call im back.

There were days when Zhan didn't think about his mission for a second, he just enjoyed being with Yibo and just turned everything else off. Then there were days when he wondered how his colleague had been doing this for four years? How could she keep her camouflage despite her feelings for her husband? Can she really deceive her husband and the whole family for 4 years? And what is she going to do now that she has discovered that she is expecting a child? If the agency finds out, they'll want to take Yue Fei off the case. But Zhan knew she would never want to leave. He had a bad feeling but kept pushing his thoughts aside.

Even after these two months he was already with Yibo, Zhan shouldn't go outside alone. Either he was outside with Yibo, which hadn't happened often, as Yibo mostly worked, or he was accompanied by two men from the triad. He hadn't managed to get back to headquarters yet and time was running out. At the latest in two weeks he must have contacted them, if not they would order him back and his mission is considered to have failed.

He didn't just fight with the problem that he couldn't go out alone, he got a mobile phone, but this, he was sure, was monitored. Besides, Yibo hadn't even taken him to his office. He never talked to Zhan about his work and did not get the necessary information. Nobody talked to Zhan except Yibo and he only talked about things that didn't concern his work. When Yibo came home late a few days ago, he had tiny splashes of blood on his white shirt. Zhan asked him what had happened, but Yibo pretended not to have heard Zhan.

"Yibo, do you think I could go for a walk alone tomorrow? I find it strange that your men always accompany me and I have the feeling you don't trust me". Zhan said to Yibo two days ago when he came home from work in the evening. "Zhan, they are your men too, not just those of my family. You are a part of the family and as such you will not be able to go out without the protection of the men. That has nothing to do with a lack of trust." Yibo replied.

"Then give me a weapon, I can handle it. If someone tries to attack me, then I can defend myself with it. I am tired of being stared by everyone just because the men follow me every step of the way. I would also like to be a little alone." He explained to Yibo and got an angry look from him. "Why do you want to be alone? Why do you keep asking me if you can go out alone? Is there something I should know? Or are you suddenly trying to run away? Explain it to me!" Yibo asked him.

"Forget it. No matter what I say, I can't get any further anyway. Every time you think I want to run away or have secrets. I am monitored 24 hours a day, what secrets should I have there?" Zhan asked defiantly and lay down in bed, pretending to sleep. It was the first time since Zhan was with Yibo that they didn't sleep together before going to bed. Zhan didn't feel like it and he was frustrated and thought about giving up. Walking with his two guards, knocking them out and just running away. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get close enough to Yibo. Yibo still didn't trust him and the pressure in Zhan continued to rise.

It was now the second night without them having slept or even talked to each other before. Zhan couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was wrong. Yibo was cold and cold towards him when he came home in the evening. He didn't say a word to Zhan. At first he thought it was the conversation the night before, but the morning they were both awake, everything seemed to be fine. Yibo kissed him, they talked about plans for the coming weekend and when they could finally move into their own house. Yibo said goodbye to Zhan with a long kiss and said to him, "I love you honey, see you later and be good."

With a bad feeling and stomach ache Zhan went to sleep. Something was wrong. Besides, he hadn't seen Yue Fei all day, she wasn't at the dinner together either. He had originally wanted to ask her if she could contact the headquarters, but she didn't show up and Zhan didn't dare to ask where she was. Whenever he asked questions, he seemed to be suspected in some way, so he let it go and kept quiet when the whole family was together.

In the middle of the night Yibo woke Zhan. "Come with me, I want to go with you to a special place." Had he told Zhan and Zhan wondered why he wanted to take him there in the middle of the night. Horrified, he realized the special place was an unguarded bridge. Zhan went to the railing of the bridge and looked around, but couldn't find anything special. Until he turned to Yibo and looked into the barrel of his weapon. "Special Agent Xiao Zhan, it was an honor to get your attention. But as of today it's over!"

 But as of today it's over!"

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It's really frustrating. I had already prescribed a few chapters, but forgot to save them and now they're gone. Couldn't remember the content. Hope that doesn't happen to me again.

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