Chapter 10 / Zhan is back

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Chapter 10 / Zhan is back

Zhan was on a plane to Beijing. He still wondered why they had taken him as far as Argentina. How well everyone thinks I don't remember anything. It's not like I want to protect Yibo. I just want to clarify the matter myself with him. I am curious to see what he has to say to me. And I look forward to his reaction when I make it clear to him that I can remember everything. Maybe I should put a bullet in your chest so that you realize how painful it is. Thought Zhan and looked out the window in the plane.

After landing in Beijing, Zhan was first brought to the headquarter. No matter what they told him, no matter what they asked him, he pretended not to remember. It was amazingly easy for him. If he would admit to remembering, he would also have to admit that Yue Fei betrayed him and the others. He would have to admit that Yibo shot him. And then what would happen to Yibo? Even if he is angry and hurt because Yibo tried to kill him, he still swore to protect him. To make sure that he doesn't have to go to prison and he would continue to give everything for it. Even if Yibo, as he found out, didn't deserve it.

"Wang Yibo has declared war on the whole city of Beijing if we don't hand you over to him. At the moment we have no choice but to give in to his demand. We don't think he wants to hurt you, we assume he just wants his husband back with him. Do you think you can do that?" Yu Bin asked him and Zhan nodded. "I think so. I don't remember anything, but maybe my memories will come back there or I will get information for you. Zhan replied. I ain't gonna tell you what and give you a shit. Finally take me to Yibo you assholes. Thought Zhan.

The car stopped at Yibo's house. They had told Zhan before what happened inside the family. When Zhan learned that Hai Kuan was killing his own father, he was immediately convinced that this had something to do with Yibo. He knew how smart Yibo was and that he could manipulate other people well. One of the men, Zhan thought he remembered his name as Li Wenhan, helped Zhan out of the car and put him in his wheelchair. The driver handed Li Wenhan a bag with some clothes and Zhan's medicine, then he pushed Zhan into the house.

One of the men in the house carried Zhan up into Yibo's room. Home sweet home. Thought Zhan and thanked his carrier. He cursed a little inside, because if he wanted to go down now, he always needed someone to carry him. The idea of being so dependent shuddered him. Fortunately, the doctors in Argentina had told him that he needed the wheelchair another two weeks at the most. When he fell into the water, he hit his back first and still had a small swelling on his spine that didn't hurt, but still pressed on his nerve and prevented Zhan from walking properly.

"Yibo is on his way here, he should be there soon." Li Wenhan told him and then said goodbye. Since the door to the room was open, Zhan could hear the people leaving the house one by one. He wanted to push his wheelchair to the bed and lie down a little, the long day and the many sitting tired him. But as soon as he had set his wheelchair in motion, he heard a family voice. His mother-in-law. She came to the open door and knocked. "May I say hello for a moment?" She asked Zhan. Zhan pretended not to remember and nodded. "If you tell me who you are?" He replied.

A little confused about Zhan's answer, she shyly came into the room. "Oh, so I'm your mother-in-law. And I'm glad you're here again. Yibo really missed you." She told Zhan. Sure, he missed me, I'm sure. First he wants to shoot me and then suddenly he misses me. He thought and smiled. "Unfortunately, I can't say anything about it because I don't remember Yibo or anyone else. He said cool. "Who is this Yibo?" Zhan asked. "I'm your husband Zhan." Did someone behind Zhan answer. Zhan's heart stopped for a moment when he recognized Yibo's voice. Slowly he turned around to him.

"Ah yes, very great. But unfortunately I don't remember a husband. I'm not even sure if I like men at all. I wonder why I have to be here? I have my own apartment where I could have gone." Zhan deliberately said cold. "You are here because you are married to me and belong here. To me!" Yibo told him and had tears in his eyes. "I'll leave you two alone for now." Said Yibo's mother and left. "What do you want to know Zhan?" Yibo asked. "Actually I am very tired and would like to get some sleep. Is that OK?" Zhan replied. Yibo walked up to Zhan and wanted to help him out of the wheelchair. "Ah, don't touch. I know we're married, that's what I've been told a hundred times now, but I still don't know you." Said Zhan and tried to get out of his wheelchair and into bed alone.

Unfortunately the day had distorted him more than he thought and so he didn't even have the strength to get into bed alone anymore. Yibo lifted him out of the wheelchair and laid Zhan in the bed and covered him up. Then he lay down next to Zhan. "Don't worry, I won't do anything, I just want to see you sleeping." Said Yibo. "That sounds a little strange." Zhan replied, but saved Yibo from asking to leave the bed. He was too tired anyway to have a discussion about it. After less than five minutes he had fallen asleep, but still felt Yibo stroking his hand.

When Zhan woke up hours later, he found himself in the arms of Yibo. He just didn't know if he had gone there alone or if Yibo had taken him. However,he knew that his chest and back were hurting. The second surgery, removing the projectile that got stuck near his spine, was just a week ago. This pain was also the first he felt when he awoke from the coma. He tipped Yibo, who had also fallen asleep. "Wake up." He said to him as the pain grew stronger and stronger. Yibo opened his eyes and stared at Zhan.

"My bag, my pills." Gasped Zhan with pain. Yibo jumped out of bed, grabbed Zhan's bag and handed it to him. Zhan looked for the right bottle and when he found it, he took two tablets and put them in his mouth. Yibo handed him a glass of water and looked at Zhan in horror as he bent under the pain. Two minutes later Zhan took one of the small syringes one of the doctors had given him and injected the contents. Soon after, the cramps and pain were released and he could relax and breathe freely again. 

When will Zhan give up his game and tell Yibo that he remembers everything?

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When will Zhan give up his game and tell Yibo that he remembers everything?

Will Yibo tell the supposedly amnesiac Zhan the truth about his gunshot wound?

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