Chapter 30 / Yibo - I'll never forgive you.

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Chapter 30 / Yibo - I'll never forgive you.

It has now been three months since Zhan and Yibo's marriage was annulled. Since then no one had seen or heard anything from Zhan. Yibo's best friend still didn't talk to him and Seung-Youn also ignored him as best friend and boss. Whenever there was something the two wanted to tell him, they did it in writing, by e-mail, text message or as a note. Yibo had often tried to talk to them, but they remained stubborn. And even Yibo's mother was angry with him for weeks after he had explained everything to her.

That morning, he called his two best friends and co-workers to his office. "I want you to stop acting like children and talk to me again, okay?" He said and Wenhan shrugged his shoulders. Seung-Youn suddenly found his language again. "Like you talked to Zhan?" He asked Yibo bitterly. Yibo frowned at him. "What, and now you want to stare me down? Fuck You Yibo!" Growled Seung-Youn. "What do you care about my problems with Xiao Zhan?" Asked Yibo angrily. "Are you that stupid or just pretending?" It slipped out of Wenhan and Yibo opened his eyes wide, because he could not believe Wenhan would talk to him like that.

"Have you noticed how many of our men have been arrested in the past three months? ...for minor offences!" Seung-Youn wanted to know about Yibo. Yibo nodded his head carefully. "And did you also notice that none of our men were arrested when Zhan was your favorite? Even though they committed more serious crimes?" Asked Seung-Youn further. Yibo nodded again. "And did you realize by now that we haven't been taken apart before only thanks to Zhan, because he secretly protected us?" Wanted to know Wenhan. Yibo swallowed the thick lump in his throat and wanted answers, but again could only nod.

Of course, Yibo had long been aware of this, but what could he do? "Have you at least tried talking to Zhan again?" Seung-Youn asked him. Yibo shook his head. How could he, with Zhan having disappeared for three months and not even his parents knowing where he was. They suspected something but never told him. Zhan's father had at least tried to explain to Yibo what they suspected. "If our agency belongs to, let's say, heaven, then Zhan is probably in an agency that belongs to the entire universe now." But that was all he had told Yibo. And it didn't make him any smarter.

He also learned that the men dressed in black suits were at Zhan's parents' house and also there, taking everything with them that looked like Zhan. "Boy, now that Zhan is gone, we can't protect your triad. Be prepared! And above all, be careful with your uncle, he led you by the nose to get you to part with Zhan, he's only nice to you as long as you look at him, but as soon as you turn around, you must be afraid to have a knife in your back the next moment. That's why he was your grandfather's favorite. He's a brilliant manipulator, liar and cheat." Said Zhan's father to Yibo back then.

All this was only three months ago, but it seemed like years to him. Once again he lost Zhan and once again it was his fault and now there was no one to help him find Zhan. Not even his influential parents could do anything. After talking to Zhan's parents, Yibo went to his uncle and confronted him. He wanted to know why he wanted Yibo to give up Zhan.

"Well, kiddo, you got a lot to learn. You were so easy to manipulate. I only had to put a few sentences in your ears and you gave up on the person who means the most to you. It showed me two things, you give up too fast and without a fight and the love for your husband made you soft. Now, without him, you can finally become big and strong, a man who is capable of leading a triad with a hard hand and without remorse!" Had he explained Yibo.

"I'll never forgive you for this." Said Yibo to his uncle and left the office knowing that his uncle was right. At least the part about giving up. Yibo wanted to see Zhan again and ask him for forgiveness, he wanted to look for him, but he knew he would never find him unless Zhan gave him clues. And so he waited and waited but so far there was nothing that would point to Zhan. From that day on, his uncle took over the triad completely and Yibo was now nothing more than the nephew of a triad leader. What he actually wanted, but still, the way it happened, he couldn't accept.

He had finally reconciled with his two friends again, at least halfway through, after he admitted that they are right and he isn't and that he is the biggest idiot, because he pushed away the only person who truly loved him. Actually, he planned to drop his uncle off, finish him off, make sure that he would bitterly regret his actions, but new problems appeared in the city and they were really something.


Two years had now passed since Zhan had disappeared when Yibo happened to meet Yu Bin. Well, maybe not by chance. Because since a new triad had appeared in the city a few months ago and Beijing had taken over bit by bit, not only police officers were on the streets. Yibo had warned his uncle from the beginning and told him that he had to do something against this triad before they grew bigger, but his uncle just laughed at him and sent him away again. "You're still too green behind the ears to know anything about it." He told Yibo and did nothing.

Just a few months later the triad was almost as big as his own and they were definitely more dangerous. Dangerous enough for even a rather pencil pusher like Yu Bin to be on the streets. "What are you doing out here alone?" Yibo wanted to know about him. "Better not ask. I thought you triads weren't gonna let anyone take your territory." Yu Bin replied. "I am no longer in charge, and my uncle won't do anything until his business is safe." Explained Yibo. Yu Bin laughed. "Your uncle is an old fool who doesn't realize your triad is on the verge of extinction." He said to Yibo.

"Um, something different. Have you heard from ZhanZhan yet?" Asked Yibo. Yu Bin shook and nodded his head at the same time. "Let's talk somewhere else." He said and brought Yibo to a comic book store. They sat down at a table and Yu Bin pretended to read a comic book.

"The fact is, there have been rumors for decades about an agency called the Black Agency. They're so secret that only a handful of people even know they exist. And they are among the best of the best. They're above all other agencies. At least, that's the rumor. And since Zhan's disappearance, the rumors have started up again. They say they poached Zhan. That the men in black are with the Black Agency and Zhan is one of them now. And I believe it too. But this knowledge will get us nowhere, because until they allow it, we'll never see him again. Explain Yu Bin to him.

"That means Zhan is one of those, like the ones who were in my house picking up all his stuff? I mean, it's not that special." Yibo shook his head in reply. Yu Bin smiled. "No, stupid, these are only small fish. Zhan works all over the world. Rumor has it they do a lot or mostly undercover work, or rescue high ranking people from dangerous situations, such as hostage-taking. And Zhan is damn good at it." Yu Bin replied. "And you can be sure of one thing, if Zhan wanted to, we'd hear from him somehow." Yu Bin added and did not suspect what pain he was inflicting on Yibo with his last statement.

Yu Bin was just about to say something when someone knocked on her table and both men froze.

Yu Bin was just about to say something when someone knocked on her table and both men froze

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