Chapter 31 / Zhan and Yibo - So we meet again

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Chapter 31 / Zhan and Yibo - So we meet again

"Xiao Zhan!" It took Yibo a moment to realize who was standing next to him and Yu Bin at the table. "So we meet again." Said Xiao Zhan, who seemed completely changed.

Next to him stood a young man, also about the same age as Zhan

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Next to him stood a young man, also about the same age as Zhan. "Ah, this is my partner. We've been working together for two years." Said Zhan when he saw the questioning looks of Yu Bin and Yibo. "Special Agent Peng Chuyue." Imagined Chuyue himself. "What agency do you work for now?" Yu Bin wanted to know. Zhan took out an ID and showed him Yu Bin. "You're really with the Black Agency?" He asked with a stammer.

"Where do you live now?" Asked Yibo. "Home." Said Zhan and Yibo sparkled at him angrily. "And where is this home?" He asked Zhan. "Where I live." Zhan replied. "Xiao Zhan you..." Began Yibo but was interrupted by Chuyue. "Um, we are forbidden to give out our address." He said to Yibo. Yibo's eyes widened. "You live together?" He asked Zhan. Zhan nodded. Zhan and Chuyue also sat down at the table and talked to each other. Yu Bin had noticed that the two of them were watching a few people in the shop. "Wanna see a play?" Asked Zhan and smiled at Chuyue. Yibo stared at them and he was boiling. "What are you doing?" Yu Bin wanted to know. "Classified information!" Chuyue replied..

Zhan pulled out his phone and they did a few selfies. And then Zhan handed the phone to Yu Bin. "Be a dear and take some pictures of my baby and me." Said Zhan with a wink. Yibo who watched this spectacle didn't know if this was really just a spectacle or not serious at all. It almost painfully tied his throat. He tried not to let it show, but who was he trying to fool? Himself? Or the three agents who were trained to read people's faces? However, even Yu Bin didn't seem to be able to distinguish between what was played and what was serious.

 He tried not to let it show, but who was he trying to fool? Himself? Or the three agents who were trained to read people's faces? However, even Yu Bin didn't seem to be able to distinguish between what was played and what was serious

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"We have to go." Said Zhan, stood up and hugged first Yu Bin and then Yibo in farewell. And even before they could say anything, Zhan and his partner were gone again. "What was that?" Asked Yibo shocked. Yu Bin shook his head. "I think they're on a mission." He said, still staring in the direction in which the two had disappeared. Yu Bin looked at his watch and told Yibo that he had to go now. His break was over and he had to go back on patrol.

Yibo sat at the table for a few more minutes with aching heart before he got up as well and was surprised to find that his jacket pocket felt somehow heavier. He reached into the pocket and found a phone that didn't belong to him but had Zhan in his hand a few minutes ago. Hastily he put the phone back in his pocket and left the shop.

"Your ex looks really, really good in real life." Chuyue said, while he and Zhan continued to follow their targets. "Ehh? Oh yeah, you're right." Zhan replied, lost in thought. Zhan hadn't expected to see Yibo again and certainly not together with Yu Bin and then, of all places, in a comic book store. In the past two years he had often thought about Yibo. Even if he and Chuyue were constantly on one mission after another. They had taken on a new mission, a simple mission. To observe three targets accused of extorting protection money.

When Zhan saw the two of them in the shop, he had to suppress the impulse to shake and slap Yibo immediately and to make heavy accusations against him. Not that he didn't like to be with the Black Agents, but actually there was only one thing he wanted then and now, Wang Yibo! And that despite everything that Yibo did to him. He wanted to know from Yibo why he was so stupid to let his uncle manipulate him like that and why he didn't even have the courage to tell Zhan himself that he didn't want him anymore. Maybe that's why he had put his cell phone in his pocket. Because that way he had a good reason to see Yibo again. Maybe then, after two years, he would finally get his answers.

Zhan and Chuyue had become not only good partners but also best friends over the past two years. He once said to Zhan, "If you ever see your Yibo again, put your phone in his pocket and you'll have a reason to see him again." And that's exactly what Zhan had done now and he knew that Chuyue had noticed this too. Because he winked at Zhan. "You have good hands." Said Chuyue, tearing Zhan from his thoughts. Zhan grinned cheekily. "When will you get your phone back?" He wanted to know about Zhan. Zhan smiled. "Tomorrow is Saturday, he probably won't have to go to his office, so tomorrow I think." Zhan replied.

Later that night, Zhan wrote a message on his own phone. "Meet me in the park tomorrow at noon, you know where. I need my phone!" It only took a moment for an answer to come. "Sure, I'll be there." Yibo wrote him from his phone. Right after that he received another message. "Will you come alone or with your boyfriend?" Zhan smiled. "He's my partner, not my boyfriend. He's my best friend, but that's it." Zhan replied, wondering why he was justifying himself at all. Still, he couldn't help but smile a big grin.

 Still, he couldn't help but smile a big grin

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