Chapter 34 / Zhan - I love him

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Chapter 34 / Zhan - I love him

Zhan and Yibo have been meeting again for a month now, but only secretly. Zhan had not yet spoken to his agency. This time he wanted to wait a little bit until he felt more confident that they wouldn't leave again because of some crap. The only one who knew was Zhan's partner Chuyue. "The poor guy loves you very much and you keep pushing him away." Chuyue had said to Zhan, who could only laugh at that. "I'm certainly not pushing him away, I just don't want us to get caught." Zhan replied, knowing that what he said was nonsense. In the end, they were both wrong, because Zhan was just afraid of letting him get too close again and then losing him again.

So far the two have slept together a few times and it was great, but Zhan never spent a single night with Yibo. Zhan just understood that he was still too attached to the bad experiences of the past. Whenever he thought that things were going well now and they could finally enjoy their love, there was something that destroyed it. And then there was the Black Agency. Who wouldn't tolerate any relations for their agents. At the same time he was tormented by the question, what happens when the mission in Beijing is completed? Where would he and Chuyue be sent then and how could he still see Yibo? "I know you have a lot of these things on your mind, just ask yourself how you feel about him and do you even want to be with him anymore?" Had Chuyue recommended him.

"I love him! There's no question about it and I know he loves me, I know that the situation as it is now is very troubling for him. I don't want him to suffer. Yet I cannot turn off these thoughts and fears." Zhan replied calmly and thoughtfully. "Then stop torturing the poor man. You have next week off, spend your time with him. Find out how you feel about each other and what you want to do." Said Chuyue in one like Zhan found commanding tone, but also agreed with Chuyue. Zhan retired to his room to call Yibo. However, looking at the clock, he dismissed this plan because Yibo was still at work in the supermarket. Smiling, he decided to pick up his boyfriend at work.

When Zhan reached the supermarket where Yibo worked, he arrived just in time to see his shift supervisor yelling at him. He also saw one of his colleagues hanging on his arm and Yibo made no effort to get rid of her. 

Colleague: You can go out with me at least once.

Yibo: No.

Colleague: Why not?

Yibo: No desire.

Colleague: Oh come on.

Yibo: No.

Colleague: I just decide you're going out with me tonight.

Yibo: I have someone. OK? I am in a relationship!

Colleague: Really? Prove it.

Yibo turned red in the face and stared sincerely at the goods still waiting to be unwrapped. Although Yibo told her he was in a relationship, his colleague wouldn't let up and Zhan decided he had seen enough. He walked up to the two of them, took Yibo in his arms and kissed him. Yibo was so stunned at first that he just stood there. But immediately afterwards, he closed his arms around Zhan and returned the kiss. "ZhanZhan? What are you doing here?" Asked Yibo after they had solved the kiss. "I came to pick you up from work. And I wanted to ask you something." Explained Zhan. "Ask what?" Yibo wanted to know about Zhan "I have a vacation next week, shall we spend it together?" He asked Yibo. He smiled broadly and nodded.

The colleague stared at both darks. "You don't fool me." Hissed she and looked at Zhan. "Fuck off and don't ever touch my husband again." Zhan whispered to her. "Oh yeah, sure, if he's your husband, I'll eat a broom. But even if you're a couple, I guess you're not the one on top." She said snide. "Ah yes, I wouldn't know about you, but when it comes to Yibo, I like to be the one lying down and Yibo is great in bed. You'll just never know it." Pulled Zhan back. Yibo stared at him with eyes wide open and grinned. When the shift leader joined in, Zhan gave him a hateful look. "Who are you?" He asked Zhan. Zhan pulled out his ID and showed it to the shift supervisor. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir." Said the guy, bowed as low as he could to avoid tipping forward and then ran away.

Yibo's colleague, who saw her shift leader running away, was suddenly in a hurry herself and went so fast that she almost ran. Yibo pressed Zhan firmly against him and kissed him. "And I thought you didn't want me anymore." He whispered. Zhan shook his head. "I love you Yibo. How can I not want you?" Zhan replied. Yibo went to the back of the staff area, got his things and then went with Zhan to a restaurant near his home. "Yibo dear, I think you should slowly revert to the old strong and aggressive Yibo." Said Zhan thoughtfully after the waitress brought them their ordered food. "I thought you liked the new me." Yibo responded.

"I like it too. But I didn't think you'd go through with it. I mean, where is this strong, tough guy I met? Where's the Yibo who wouldn't let anyone yell or tell him what to do? I wish that man back." Said Zhan and stroked Yibo's hand. "This man has lost his husband several times, the last time for two years, because he was like this and is afraid it will happen again. And besides, this man would like to have a marriage with his husband again. Something that proves that he belongs with his husband. Oh, and also, this man has been betrayed by his own uncle." Said Yibo and looked out the window.

They sat in silence in the restaurant for a while and ate together, paid the bill and went home to Yibo. Zhan was happy to know what was going on in Yibo's mind and explained what he was worried about. "I don't want to lose you again Yibo. I hope we can get through this together." He said to Yibo. "When the problems are solved, will you marry me again?" Yibo wanted to know. Zhan smiled "yes I will, that's what we wanted anyway" he said to Yibo and kissed him. They decided to work together. Starting with facing the Black Agency and then getting rid of his uncle.

 Starting with facing the Black Agency and then getting rid of his uncle

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