Dehumanized 🌹

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Gone in a way that if you look swiftly you wouldn't catch it
But if you stare into my eyes you'd see the light
A fire inside that crackles
And darkness has always surrounded me but in this case I have contained it
The darkest place I've even been was inside my shell
Nothing in this world has scared me more

Broken used to be more of a sacred word
You couldn't say it too loud or too soft
Because too many minds have not been freed

I've realised that a broken doll who shows the cracks in the form are the closest to breaking away
And the worst are the ones who stay porcelain perfect to show no sign of deformity
To show that nothing can disturb the peace that is no longer there
Trying to create a show of perfection that isn't possible to be
At least not without look inhumane

Mystery Girl's Poems; A Dimensional EmotionWhere stories live. Discover now