Comfort Inn 🌹

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A place considered to keep you at ease

A space to help you as you please

And if it makes you cringe I advise that you leave

Cause this place contains no consideration

Serving no excuses for the feelings of the caring human beings

We are all as equal no one is above one another

Dying is easy

But living, living is where the difficulty comes to play

Emotions run so deep in the human nature that it is indescribable

But I'll try to explain for you

Simply we all feel in our heart before thinking on the issue

Because if I won't do this then I expect the same from you

The good does not exist so I advise you un-think it all, especially the happy endings

We have three rules and a motto

One, don't be who you are follow what you see
Two, adapt and don't stand out
Three, walk along the lines that society parts

"The darkness that you feel consume it and become it"

Revise what we expect to keep it comforting cause there's no comfort in this comfort inn


Mystery Girl's Poems; A Dimensional EmotionWhere stories live. Discover now