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Hello everybody my name is Selena White, I am the daughter of the beta of The Red Blood Moon Pack. I am what you call the nerd of the school for werewolves only, I will be sixteen years old in one month and I am so excited I have an older brother who is eighteen and will be the next beta of the pack. He has protected been very protective of me since we were little pups, he has already found his mate who I love with all my heart. What can I say I always wanted to have a sister and the best thing is that she is one of my best friends, yes you heard me right she is my best friend and my sister in law.

I also have two other best friends who have also found their mates but since I am the youngest of the circle I still haven't found him yet, although it will soon be over since I will be turning seventeen in just one month and I will be able to meet my mate. Everybody thinks htat I haven't shifted but you see I have, the only ones who know about it are my best friends not even my brother knows, you see I shifted when I was just fifteen when my friends and I were at our secret spot at a pound near the pack house with in our borders.

You may mask why I haven't told anyone about my shifting, well is really simple its because I am a pure white wolf and we are very rear. We are sometimes hunted by our own kind because some of us have powers, my friends and I have been trying to find out what my powers are but have come up empty. We have concluded that I might not have my powers sinve I haven't met my mate yet, so we have not tried to find out waht my powers are.

Let me see what else should I tell you, my parents are Cleopatra and Ptolemy, yeah apperantly my grand parents were in to Egyptian names since they went to Egypt for their honey moon or something like that. The Alpha and Luna of the pack are Marcos and Luz and they have three kids, Fabian the future alpha, Lupe and Mark. They are really good people although they are powerful people they aren't as powerful as they wish to be, you see they have always wanted to be the most powerful pack. They might never be that powerful sicne they are very selfish and they only think about the people who are at hteir same level and treat the lower level as slaves or as nothing in other words, they think that they can treat people how ever they want to.

I am in my last year in high school and so far I am doing great, we should be graduating in two weeks although I was offered the opertunity to graduate early I didn't do it because I didn't want to leave my friends their by themselves. We were getting ready to go tot school when we were being attacked by rouges, my friends and I ran outside and started to help get the kids, woman and elders to the safety of the house.

After we had done that we went outside to see if we could help with anything else, I saw a little boy about to be taken and I ran and tackled the wolf down and threw him towards a tree and knocked him out. I grabbed the little boy and ran with him to the pack house and told him to stay in there until I got back, I ran back outside and continued to help my pack as much as I could. By the time we had defeated the rouges, my family was going to hug me but I ran to the pack house where I had left the little boy and picked him up and took him to his parents who were happy to see him.

Everybody was amused for what I had done, they have always seen me as just the geek of the pack. No body has ever seen me fight or move as fast as I had done during the attack but that is one of the things that I have been able to do since I shifted in to my white wolf, the Alpha and Luna asked to see my family and me in their office as soon as we went and got showered and changed. When we were ready we went to the office the Alpha, Luna and their kids there too.

"Thank you for coming we asked you to come here because we would like to know how you were able to move and fight like that, we have never seen you at any of the training times" the Alpha asked

"I don't know Alpha I was just doing what felt right" I said

"Did anyone teach you out of the training times" the Luna asked

"No Luna, like I said I just did what felt right" I said

"Then where did you learn how to move like that" Fabian asked

"Like I said I don't know, I just did what felt right" I said

"Look Selena if you have been training just tell us we will not be mad at you" my mother said

"I have not been training" I said

"Then how do you know how to move like that" my father asked

"I don't know dad" I said

"Sel please just tell us how is it that you can move like that" my brother asked

"Esteban you know me better than anyone here, why would I lie about something like this" I said

"She is right, she has never lied to me and besides she hasn't even shifted" Mike said

"Okay then we are done here, you may go" the Alpha said

We left the office and went back home were George, Manuel and Gaby were waiting for us. We told them everything that happened and I made sure that my friends didn't tell anyone that I have had already shifted and that I was a solid white wolf, we were getting ready to eat when my friends asked to talk to me alone something out of the normal. We went to my room and we started to talk about everything that happened today and how I was moving so fast and fighting like I have been fighting for a long time without being trained, we were interupted by my brother wanting to tell us that the food was ready.

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