Twenty Nine

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Zina left her armor in the tent, stretching her body, free of the weight. She slipped on a black short dress, walking back to the main tent, leaving Synika in the tent, alone with her thoughts.

Zina found the tent empty, instead wandering off into the medical tent, bright white and six times as long as the others. Inside, she found Celeste tending to tens of men, all laid out on cots with various wounds. The woman dashed around, checking on her patients while packing for the coming mission.

"Celeste?" Zina called out.

The cleric jumped in fright, dropping her holy icon.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"No, no, it's alright." Celeste replied, regaining her composure and picking the icon back up. She leaned over one of the men, holy light pouring from the icon into his wounds, healing them in part. She wiped sweat from her brow, moving to the next patient. Her face was worn.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Celeste asked, out of breath.

"Well, yes, but are you alright?"

The woman paused. "It's just a lot of strain. I.. I can't even heal them completely anymore. I just clear infections and disease from the wounds and have to let them heal mostly on their own."

"Are there too many?"

"Yes." the cleric replied, gazing sadly down the length of the tent, full of soldiers. She sighed, returning to her work.

Zina bit her lip. "I, well.. When Synika and I took back Blackdagger Keep-"

"So it's true, then? You killed Traven?" Celeste said, looking over.

Zina nodded. "I killed Traven, and Synika killed Kallos Tam."

Celeste raised her eyebrows. "So you did... ah, I apologize, please continue."

"Right, um, while we were fighting Traven, he brutally injured Synika's tiger, Salyrria."

"She is a beautiful, if frightening animal."

Zina smiled. "Thank you.. But she was nearly killed. Synika attempted to heal her, but she failed because.. Well, I'm not sure. I pulled on the strength of myself and the energy in my sword's pommel to heal Salyrria completely. I don't know how-"

Celeste stood up straight. "You are a healer?"

"I'm.. I don't know."

"Your patron is Sune, Synika told us. Mine is Selune, and she is who I call on to aid me."

"I'm trying to say I want to help you, if you'll let me."

Celeste sighed, looking again to the men around her. "I suppose.. I could try and teach you."

Zina's face lit up with joy. "Really? Thank you!"

"Come, I will show you."

Zina went to Celeste's side, reaching out to the soldier ahead of her. She placed her hand on his wound, a deep stab incision to the left shoulder. The man winced, gritting his teeth. Zina closed her eyes, Celeste speaking softly.

"I'm not sure how you did it with the pommel energy, but to invoke the healing of your goddess, but must channel her, and reach into the pool of energy." Celeste said.

Zina's mind swirled as she tried to contact Sune. Her mind was filled with images of battle, her mind struggling to clear.

"Focus on the warmth." Celeste said. "Picture health."

The tiefling breathed slowly.

Sune, I need you. Zina thought. I need to help these people. It's my duty as a paladin to help.

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