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Synika returned to the tent to find Zina stretching and placing her armor back on. Synika handed her bag to the girl, who dug through it to find breakfast.

"Where were you last night?" Zina asked. "I could hear screaming, I feared for you."

The elf sat down on a cot opposite her. "I went out to try the bow, specifically the fire arrows. I got the report from Windle last night, and it seems you're going to have a full plate."

Zina grinned. "Great, let's get started."



"Eat first." Synika said. "Anyway, Windle said the best way to keep the dead down is fire. Lucky for you, your sword has that effect, and even when they aren't consumed by the flame's occasional appearance, the cuts leave radiance that will slowly dissolve the bodies anyway."

Zina nodded. "Good."

"Additionally, there is a green dragon we'll have to take care of."

Zina spit her water out. "A green dragon?! I've had my shield for a day!"

Synika laughed loudly, reaching over and patting her shoulder. "You'll be alright, you have me."

Zina looked bewildered. "But.."

"Trust me, okay? What could go wrong?"


"Shh, it'll be alright. I promise." Synika said with a wink.

Zina sighed, rubbing her eyes. "Okay. I'm done eating then, let's go."

Synika nodded, leading the way from the tent. She let her tiger sleep; after her first long walk in weeks, she was most likely exhausted.

As the two passed the Harper's tent, Synika shook the flap.

"We're going, Windle. Make sure no one bothers my cat, or she'll eat them."

"Sure, Syn." was the Harper's tired reply.

The pair walked out of the camp and down a path leading to the nearest graveyard.

"We're going to have to cut our way through to the dragon. After we reach him, it's possible there may be cultists and undead, plus him."

Zina shuddered. "Right.." she muttered.

As the first of the undead began to rise, Zina took no time to let them get out of the ground. She drove the point of her shield through their backs, taking their heads in an executing swing. Onwards they marched, Synika's flaming arrows picking off screamers at a distance, Zina crushing anything too close.

They had gotten nearly halfway to the dragon's landing when the ground trembled more violently than before. A seven foot hulk of a zombie dug his way from the earth, roaring at them. He was muscled heavily, even in undeath. Pale green skin peeled from his body. He stumbled toward Zina, who took his blow on her shield, slashing his calves. His skin began to smoke as the radiance burned his unholy flesh. Again he charged, only to be put down with a smiting overhand blow.

The undead hulk crumpled, his heavy body landing with a thump at Zina's feet.

"Seems you've gotten the hang of the sword." Synika said.

"It just feels natural somehow.." Zina said. "Like I've always needed it."

Synika understood. "That's because you were meant to be a paladin, as I was meant to be a Ranger. It's fate, dear."

Zina nodded, happy that it was so. "To think I used to be worthless with a blade."

An hour later, they found themselves nearly to the courtyard in the upper northeast, having passed a haunted cathedral along the way. The ground here was stone, nearly 1000 feet by 500 feet. Stone columns lined the courtyard, most in crumbled ruins.

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