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When Drizzt awoke, he found Synika still sleeping. Leaving her a short note, he cast a ward around the door that would prevent anyone from entering except him, and went back to the market to fetch breakfast.

He returned within a few minutes, by which time Synika had woken and changed, the nightdress he had given her tucked carefully into her left arm guard so she would not lose it.

Drizzt handed her a small box, warm to the touch.

"I'm not sure what you like, but this is fresh bread and cheese, as well as fruit from whatever is left of the good part of Sharandar. Do be careful though.. vampires only have a certain amount of tolerance for normal sustenance."

Synika took the box in her hands like a newborn animal, gently opening it. The scent of the bread reached her immediately, and her eyes widened. She ate everything in a matter of minutes, pausing on the fruit.

"Drizzt, the rest was amazing, but.. what is this.. thing? I've never seen this before."

He glanced over from his own breakfast, laughing slightly. "It's called an apple, dear. They are a sweet fruit grown mostly in Sharandar, where the Iliyanbruen elves live. They are masters of plants and the forest. No one grows better food than they."

Tentatively, she reached out to bite the apple. She sank her teeth halfway into it when the juice reached her tongue, and she froze for the millionth time in two days.

"Dish ish sho shweet!" She said, her mouth full of apple.

Drizzt smiled. "I'm glad you like it."

"Tough, though." She said. A devious smile played across her face. "No matter."

As she went to take another bite, she extended her fangs, slashing cleanly through the flesh of the fruit. She giggled to herself, turning the fruit over in her fingers.

Drizzt raised an eyebrow, but said nothing, allowing himself a small smile. The young girl was cute in her ignorance.


When they had finished, Drizzt insisted they get going. The two of them left the inn, walking to an inner city gated road leading to the River District.

"This road leads to the River District, an in-city port block of the Enclave. There you'll see ships, and lots of people who are aloof minded and whatever else."

Synika nodded. "And my parents are there?"

"Yes. They're renting a small home in expectation of you."

"Alright... I.. don't even know what to say to them."

Drizzt bit his lip in thought, walking beside her down the road. "Ah.. yes. Well, I'm going to go ahead of you, just to inform them of your situation and status before they meet you. I think it's best they know what you went through. Sun elves are.. a different culture of elves, and sadly, one you may not like."

"Ravin seemed to avoid talking about them... so I don't know what you mean."

"Sun Elves are highly intelligent, but they are often arrogant to other races, placing themselves on a pedestal. What I mean to say is that their rules and expectations may ruin, or at least restrict, your lovely personality."

Synika looked down at her feet. "Oh.. I see."

Drizzt nodded. "I am sorry I am always the bearer of bad news.

Synika lightened up, smiling at him. "That's alright, you're just being honest! I've come to appreciate the truth a lot more now."

He hummed. "I'd imagine so.." Again, he felt heavy for his lie last night.

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