Twenty Four

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"Get down!" Synika cried, rolling behind Zina's raised shield. A cannonball crashed into the wall ahead of them, raining brick from above. More cannonballs screamed in the sky, falling from the sky like hail from hell. The three ran from the courtyard, diving behind the furthest wall from the impact points.

Minutes later, the cannons came into view, being fired from the backs of moving horse drawn wagons. They passed through the crumbling archway into the courtyard, halting their approach.

A huge man stepped down from one of the wagons, his rotting flesh rancid even from this distance. His mangy black beard hung under his chin, his wide brimmed pirate hat shading his face.

Zina gasped. "I uh.. Don't want to make any assumptions, but I think the fat one is.. Is.."

"One of the Blackdaggers, yeah. Probably Traven, he's the pirate one."

Traven brandished a massive curved sword. "Find 'em!" he cried, his rotting throat disgustingly wet. "I want their heads!"

"Yes boss!" came the unified cry of the bandits offloading the wagons.

Zina shuddered. "There's some many of them."

"You killed a dragon, you can handle this."

"Charthraxis was slow and big.. These guys swarm."

"Then we'll lead them after us in reasonable numbers."

"How?" Zina asked.

"Have them chase us into the forest. Pick them off one at a time."

"Got it."

"But first.." Synika said, yanking back on her bow. She charged a fire arrow, building a broiling flame. She let it loose, aiming for the middle of the pack. The resounding explosion killed half of the bandits, but Traven only roared in anger.

"There!" He cried, his remaining bandits tearing off after the trio.

"Perfect." Synika said.

They fled into the forest, bandits hot on their tails. Once they got deep into the trees, the attackers slowed, losing their trail.

"Everyone spread out! We'll flush 'em out the fores'."

"Aye!" The bandits replied, spreading out to clear more ground.

Synika glanced to Zina. "Take them out one at a time. Try to keep it quiet."

Zina nodded.

The two split up, creeping through the trees. Zina slipped her shield on her back, stepping quietly up behind a bandit. She grabbed him, covering his mouth and slashing his throat. She winced as he fell to the ground, choking and sputtering.

Fifty paces away, Synika had torn the throats from three men already, laying their bodies down softly as not to make a sound.

Summoners had once again joined the ranks, peering into the trees. The forest was silent.


Synika imagined this is how it must feel to the velociraptors in the Chultan jungle. Watching. Waiting.

Synika leap forward, burying a sword in the back of a summoner, taking her down. The woman's staff went off reflexively, signaling her attack with a blazing fireball, shooting off into the trees.

"Damn." Synika muttered.

"Over there!" the men cried, rushing to Synika.

Zina broke cover, Salyrria pouncing from the underbrush to help. Within moments, Synika had cleared the approaching bandits.

Zina shrugged. "Sometimes I wonder if you even need me."

"Someone's gotta stand there and look pretty." Synika replied, winking with a smile. Zina blushed, looking away.

The moment was short lived, however, as a group of three summoners caught up. Unlike the others they had faced, their robes were bright red.

Synika raced past them, diverting their attention. They followed her back to the courtyard, Zina in tow. They found her in the middle of the courtyard once more, facing the hulking mass of Traven Blackdagger.

"So, yer the bitch killin' my men, are ya? Playtime's over little girl." He said, his thick pirate accent almost painful to listen to.

With Traven ahead of her, and the three summoners, behind, Synika was acutely aware of the odds.

"You don't scare me, you rotting oaf." Synika said, venom dripping in her tone. "I wiped out all of your men in Blacklake, and now I'll do the same here."

"Thas if ya git through me, hag." Traven said, lifting his sword.

The three summoners fired at Synika, who vanished into mist and raced out of the way. As the fireballs slammed into Traven, she reappeared at his back, slashing wildly as he reeled, distracted from the fire.

Zina ran into the courtyard, eyeing the scene, Salyrria on her heels. Synika moved quickly to her. "Take Traven! Your sword was built for him!"

Zina steeled herself, approaching the man. His charred skin was smoking, his bright, luminant purple eyes shining through. "You an' me, bitch." he said, swinging at Zina. She caught the blow on her shield, throwing it off and slashing at his wide open belly. The sword's radiance left a searing slash, melting into his flesh.

Synika was busy fending off the three summoners, taking one down with the combined fireballs of the others. The two left standing switched their approach to icicles, hoping to find a chink in the vampire's defense.

Here it comes. You did it once, what's one more time? She thought.

Fifteen icicles screamed towards her. Time slowed down as she moved as fast as she could, switching the direction of them back to the assailants. When the strain became too great, she returned to normal speed.

She hadn't been fast enough. Though thirteen had buried themselves in her attackers, one had found her abdomen, and another had lodged itself in her right shoulder. She winced, ripping the ice from her body and casting it away. Blood poured from the wounds, soaking her skin, dripping to the stone. Synika stared at her hands, coated in crimson.

Zina glanced over, her eyes wide. Her guard faltered just long enough. Traven took a mighty swing, smashing into her left shoulder. Zina sailed across the courtyard into a wall, her breath rushing out. She collapsed, unconscious.

"I told you bitches ye'd die. And ye will." Traven said, approaching Zina for a final blow. His sword gleamed above his head, crashing down on Zina with a vengeance.

His arm never made it. Salyrria took the man to the ground, his arm firmly locked in her jaws. She ripped a chunk from his arm, flinging it into the distance. With his free arm, he grabbed her by the scruff and launched her a distance. The tiger landed gracefully on all four, charging again.

Synika made it over to Zina, waking her from her daze.

"Zina, come on, you've got to get up."

The paladin's eyes came back into focus, and she took a deep breath. "I.. I saw you hurt... and I.."

"I'll be okay. Just a few impale wounds, nothing a little blood can't heal."

Zina stood to her feet, picking her weapons back up. As Traven yanked Salyrria from his back and flung her once again, he turned to face the pair.

"Ah, ya lived. What a damn shame."

Salyrria ran after him a third time, but he was ready. He gave her a hearty kick, sending her screaming, shattered ribs crippling her movement. She collapsed, beaten.

Traven jumped at her, sword ready. Synika blurred, catching his downward blow at the wrist with left her hand, trembling under his strength.

"Not my tiger, you bastard."

At once, Zina's sword erupted from his chest, his body alighting in holy flames. He fell to his knees, consumed by golden fire. Traven Blackdagger screamed long and loud, his voice echoing into the countryside.

By the time it had faded, his ashes had blown into the breeze. 

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